Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Alcatraz contra los bibliotecarios malvados»

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(→‎Chapter 1: fleshed out)
{{quote|So, there I was, tied to an altar made from out-dated encyclopedias, about to get sacrificed to the dark powers by a cult of evil librarians.|Alcatraz to the Reader{{book ref|a1|1}}}}
Despite this first line, the whole chapter is an introduction of Alcatraz Smedry, a thirteen years old boy, who is the narrator of the book. In this chapter Alcatraz receivesis hisan inheritanceorphan forwho hisnever thirteenthspends birthdaymore bythan mail.a Thefew inheritancemonths iswith aany baggiven offamily sand,due thatto laterhis revealedpropensity tofor bebreaking Sands('''not''' ofdestroying) Rashidthings. Then,Today Alcatrazis proceedshis tothirteenth set the kitchen on firebirthday, whichand resultshe inhas hisreceived fostera parentssmall refusalpackage toin takethe care of him any longermail. TheIt chapter ends withcontains a visitnote fromthat [[Shasta Smedry|Ms. Fletcher]], scowling Alcatraz and stealing the sands.reads:
{{quote|Happy thirteenth birthday! Here is your inheritance, as promised. Love, Mom and Dad|Alcatraz's birthday note{{book ref|a1|1}}}}
and contains a bag of sand. Alcatraz goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner and proceeds to set the kitchen on fire. He goes to his room and overhears his foster parents deciding that they must give him up. His caseworker, [[Shasta Smedry|Ms. Fletcher]], arrives. She warns Alcatraz that she is running out of families to place him with. She sees the bag of sand but seems dismissive of it.
==Chapter 2==