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(An organized collection of the facts of the metals, their inherent characteristics, and their traits in the Metallic Arts)
| Q4 Feruchemy
| ??
There's some raw data. I'll get back to it, but let's look at some obvious things first.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Allomancy, sorted by metal group
! Metal 1
! Metal 2
| Might
| Push Metal
| Senses
| Pull Metal
| Sense Allomancy
| Sooth Emotions
| Hide Allomancy, protection from Brass/Zinc
| Riot Emotions
| Boost Own Metals
| Burst Others' Metals
| Eliminate Own Reserves
| Eliminate Others Reserves
| See Own Future
| Speed Bubble
| See Own Alternate Selves
| Time Bubble
Let's start easy. Separating out the allomantic metals into Metal 1 of each Quadrant, and Metal 2. Is there any commonality among all the metals in group 1?
Of course there is; this is explained to us in the book. Metal 1 is the Internal Metals. Metal 2 is the External Metals. Everything based on a Metal 1 affects something within the allomancer, everything based on a Metal 2 changes something outside. This is not, however, always obvious. There are apparent outliers. I'm looking at you, bronze-and-copper. Bronze lets you sense allomancy, the same way steel lets you sense metal. Yet one is internal, and one is external. We only know from its classificiation that steel is changing something about the world, while bronze is changing something inside of you; like a Skimmer ferring, weighing enough to crash through a floor, you make an internal change and let the change indirectly affect the world around you.
I'm establishing this now because there might be some apparent discrepancies as we go forward. We might have to accept that it's possible that an ability might seem to behave as though it belongs in one group, when in fact we can tell from its grouping that it might actaully be in another group.
Copper/bendalloy. Each of them creates an effect centered on the allomancer. Yet one is internal, one is external. The difference? Well, for one, copper has an additional effect that only affects the allomancer himself; resistance to emotional manipulation. There doesn't seem to be a similar ancillary effect for bendalloy. Also, the power remains centered on the Smoker. A Slider sets up his power to the limit of his ability, but then it is set; he cannot leave the field he is maintaining, but it doesn't travel with him.
Next. Alloy and base metal.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Allomancy, sorted by purity
! Alloy
! Base
| Might
| Senses
| Push Metal
| Pull Metal
| Sense Allomancy
| Hide Allomancy, protection from Brass/Zinc
| Sooth Emotions
| Riot Emotions
| Boost Own Metals
| Eliminate Own Reserves
| Burst Others' Metals
| Eliminate Others Reserves
| See Own Future
| See Own Alternate Selves
| Speed Bubble
| Time Bubble
This one, I feel, is a lot less obvious. However, we have it on relatively good authority that every Alloy Pushes, and every Base Pulls, even if that's not necessarily apparent. In fact, steel/iron and brass/zinc (two external metals, hrm) are the only really obvious ones. The other six pairings, less so. Before you read Alloy of Law, if someone had asked you, "If you want to make time go faster, would you push on it, or pull on it?" I suspect you would not get a consensus.
Well, those were the only two easy ones, and already it's filled with things that would not have been apparent at first glance. I am accepting donations to fund a research project whereby I find a thousand people who have not read these books, show them these two lists, and ask them to extrapolate what makes Column A different from Column B.
Feruchemy, why not let's.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Feruchemy, sorted by metal group
! Metal 1
! Metal 2
| Might
| Speed
| Senses
| Weight
| Wakefulness
| Warmth
| Memories
| Mental speed
| Connection
| Investiture
| Identity
| Luck
| Determination
| Food
| Health
| Breath
What can be said of Group 1, that is distinct from Group 2? While all feruchemy is internal, some of it can draw from an external power source. Breath, food, warmth. The MAG suggests Investiture. Could that be it? What of speed, weight, mental speed, and luck? We know absolutely nothing about luck, so I'm willing to set it aside for the moment. Weight. Well, we know it isn't quite weight, and we know it isn't quite mass. If a Skimmer were on Roshar, there would be less gravity pulling on him, so presumably he could store less weight. Can we say that weight, or maybe gravity, is an externally powerable thing, then? A human body does produce warmth but can also be heated. Speed is somewhat trickier. I don't believe if you jumped off a cliff, you could store speed to fall any slower. Still, that and mental speed appear to be the only two outliers.
I worry that I'm trying to force the allomantic system on feruchemy, but at first glance I think there's room for my speculation. Perhaps Group 2 Metals are ones that can be powered externally, and steel and zinc fit this pattern in a way no more obvious than copper and bronze being internal. While the traits of steel and zinc share a commonality (a type of speed), one is an alloy, one is a base, and they are in different quadrants.
Regardless, that's as much speculation as I think I can get away with, so I'm moving on.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Feruchemy, sorted by purity
! Alloy
! Base
| Might
| Senses
| Speed
| Weight
| Wakefulness
| Memories
| Warmth
| Mental speed
| Connection
| Identity
| Investiture
| Luck
| Determination
| Health
| Food
| Breath