Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Legión: A flor de piel»

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(Changed the structure so that there are Parts. Added summaries for chapters 6-7)
(→‎Part Two: Added Chapter 8 summary)
=== Chapter 8 ===
Stephen informs the reader that he has 47 aspects, with Arnaud being the latest to join, but that it is taxing to imagine more than 5 at a time. To get around this, he has the White Room - a room with non-reflective smooth white walls, floor and ceiling which has been soundproofed. His aspects filter into the room. When they are all present, Tobias tries to get their attention, but they are all making too much noise. J.C. pulls out a gun and shoots into the air, immediately silencing everyone, though Stephen complains he is going to have to imagine a hole in the roof now. Ivy hands out information sheets containing everything Stephen knows relating to the case, before handing a separate sheet to Stephen, containing everything he knows about I3's rival companies. The aspects spread out, all starting to work through the problem, analyzing it from different angles. Stephen, after reading through the papers he'd been given, strolls around the room, looking at everyone's work. After the circuit, he then dug into the stack of papers containing Panos's web and email history, which takes him an hour to skim through. Having gone through this, he starts a second circuit of the room. He stops when he walks past Audrey, who is writing text in the air with her finger. He imagines a glass plane for her, to make it seem like she'd actually been writing on something. He looks over what she's done. She had started to have a look at the biochemistry of the virus, but also had had a look at finding patterns in what Panos wrote online - Audrey was created when researching handwriting analysis, with a bit of cryptography. She asks him to do more crypotography research so she can do more analysis. Stephen tells her that he will see what he can do, telling her to focus on the forum post analysis, and not the chemistry. He pulls up a book on cryptography as he leaves, starting to have a read. Tobias reports to Stephen, telling him that the general consensus is that the virus technology is viable and the threat is real. He says J.C. suggests verifying independently that I3 is indeed in lock down. They plan the order of actions - call a contact in Homeland Security, then visit the Coroners office, then meet with Panos's family. Tobias finishes up by saying J.C. wanted to talk to Stephen. Stephen finds him, and J.C. tells him that he's got info on the assassin, Zen Rigby. He's worked that the reason for tailing him is to try and find the key to the information in the body. He suggests Stephen might have been bugged. J.C. asks Stephen to carry a gun, though Stephen reminds J.C. that the aspect can't shoot anything. J.C. then seems to have come to terms with the fact he's not real. He explains that Arnaud has a theory, and brings him over. Arnaud talks about multiple dimensions in which everything that could have happened did happen, so each of the aspects would be real in one such parallel dimension. Thus J.C. claims that instead of being a Navy SEAL, he's an Interdimensional Time Ranger. Stephen tries to offer a rational reason, but J.C. finishes the conversation, reminding him of the time. Stephen tells Tobias to have the standard team (Tobias, Ivy, J.C.) and who else they need in the garage by 7:30 A.M..
=== Chapter 9 ===