Diferencia entre revisiones de «Iglesia del Superviviente»

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It eventually evolved into the modern Scadrian religion of '''Survivorism'''. Survivorism also calls Kelsier The Lord of the Mists, teaching that Kelsier will appear on misty nights and bless the independent. Followers of Survivorism are considered anyone who survives on their own, or thinks for themselves.
Additional figures in the religion include Vin, who was originally known as The Heir of the Survivor and is now known as The WarriorAscendant AscendentWarrior. Another figure, The Lord Mistborn, may be Spook, who was made a mistborn by Sazed (Harmony) after the world was reborn and asked to look after humanity.
After Sazed ascended to become Harmony, he left a book detailing the events leading up to the rebirth of the world including the Hero of Ages prophecy. He also left books that contained all of the knowledge contained in his metalminds. These become known as The Words of Founding.
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