Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elend Venture»

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Elend met [[Vin]] at a ball in Keep Venture, and began a casual friendship with her when he found her in the space where he usually read. Elend continued to attend balls and often sat with vin and read at her table, he eventually began to court her. Elend was saved by Vin from an assassination from [[Shan Elariel]] but believed Vin to be a spy for another noble house and refused to speak with her. He later discovered that she was in fact a skaa and tried to find her, he was saved from being killed by an [[Inquisitor]] by [[Kelsier]] who protected him for Vin. Elend eventually mounted a rescue for Vin from [[Kredik Shaw]] where she had been imprisoned, only to find that [[Sazed]] had already released her.
===The [[Siege of LuthadeLuthadel]]l===
After the Fall of the [[Lord Ruler]], Elend was made king over the Final Empire. He attempted to introduce all the political ideas he had formulated from his studies and meeting with other nobles. His rule was destabilized when Straff Venture and [[Ashweather Cett]] laid [[Siege of Luthadel|siege]] to Luthadel in the hopes of securing the atium cache that they thought was hidden. He was eventually deposed by the Assembly which he set in place much to the dissapointment of his friends. Elend began to receive training from [[Tindwyl]] in how to be a more effective leader, which allowed him to effectively try to be re-elected as king, however he eventually lost the vote to [[Penrod]]. Elend was convinced by Sazed and the rest of Kelsier's crew to leave Luthadel with Vin to seek the Well of Ascension, however they later realized that their friends had simply been trying to save them from being killed by the armies. Vin eventually defeated the armies and got them to swear fealty to Elend. Elend was attacked by the mist spirit in an attempt to get Vin to use the power from the Well to save him, however she gave up the power instead, accidentally releasing [[Ruin]]. Elend was saved by being given a bead of [[lerasium]] which turned him into a Mistborn and allowed him to burn [[pewter]] to stay alive.
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