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(Changed Motion to Choice and reworded some Surge explanations)
Being just means upholding the law. Being a leader means your word is law.
===Brave and ConfidentObedient: ''MotionChoice''===
A brave man chooses fearlessly. A confident man does not doubt his choices.
Bravery is moving without fear. Confidence is moving without doubt.
===Loving and Obedient: ''Affinity''===
Outer Pairs:
The key to relating the Attributes and the Surges is the concept of balance. Of all the Attribute pairs, there are five that can be seen as balancing pairs, pairs of concepts that can both complement and clash with each other. These are the four Diagonal Inner pairs (Boundary<->Desire, Law<->Truth, MotionChoice<->Direction, Affinity<->Trust), plus the Improvement<->Contentment pair. The Surges are the result of a harmonious relationship between these balancing pairs, as demonstrated below:
===Boundary with Desire: ''Adhesion''===
===Law with Truth: ''Gravitation''===
When a leader's laws are believed to be based on truth, people will tend to gravitate towards following him. On Roshar, the soul of a physical object gravitates towards whatever it truly thinks it has to follow, which is usually whatever has the strongest spiritual presence in its vicinity (i.e. Roshar itself). Gravity Surgebinders trick objects into changing what they think their true spiritual leader is.
===MotionChoice with Direction: ''Division''===
Having a choice with directions implies a separation of paths, where a group that was once united may become divided. It is therefore a source of division.
The less chaotic your motion is (e.g. the less you bump into things, change direction, etc.), the farther you will end up. Real life physics states that all things will tend towards less chaos eventually, but Division Surgebinders accelerate this process by granting a moving object with a directional stability so high that it actually divides obstacles from itself to stay true to its natural course. The Shardblade is one example of objects powered by the Division Surge.
===Affinity with Trust: ''FrictionAbrasion''===
For two people in a relationship (whether romantic, political, etc.), the more they trust each other, the less likely they will part ways. TheWhen samesuch goesa forstrong objectsrelationship ondoes Rosharend, whereit typically leads to suffering for one or both of the parties. Similarly, things that interact with each other will tend to "stick around" longer the more friction they have, and the end of high-friction interactions often exhibit abrasion on one or both objects.
===Improvement with Contentment: ''Progression''===
===Truth with Law: ''Transformation''===
The truths that have the force of law are those that can enact change. On Roshar, the soul of an object can desire to change, but this is a truth that the object's soul usually cannot enforce. Transformation Surgebinders (a.k.a. Soulcasters) grant objects the ability to enforce a desire to change.
===Direction with MotionChoice: ''Transportation''===
The direction you choose is where you want yourself or something else to move towards. This is the direction of transportation.
When you direct the motion of something, you transport it to a desired position. Transportation Surgebinding is basically a form of telekinesis, the ability to make objects move directly to where you want it to move.
===Trust with Affinity: ''Cohesion''===
===Contentment with Improvement: ''Tension''===
If you try to improve someone who is already content, you might be able to do it, but you will still experience some resistance to change, a tension, no matter how small. Tension Surgebinders might be capable of giving supernaturally high tension to themselves or to other things. Their sensitivity to change might also allow them to detect change even from a distance, as long as they focus on a specific type of change. For example, they could focus on any call for help and, as the Stoneward in Dalinar's Starfalls vision indicated, they will hear such calls as soon as they happen.