Diferencia entre revisiones de «El camino de los reyes»

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m (Fixing Link to Summary Page so it's no longer a double redirect)
(→‎Summary: removed big linking)
The Way of Kings follows the stories of [[Kaladin]], [[Dalinar]], and [[Shallan]]. There are also several minor characters who receive viewpoints; [[Szeth]], [[Adolin]], [[Wit]], and [[Navani]] in the main text, and several others in the Interludes.
For a detailed chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the book, see the [[The Way of Kings (book)/Summary| Summary of The Way of Kingssummary]].
[['''Kaladin]]''' is the focus character of the novel. At the beginning of his story, he is a squadleader in [[Amaram]]'s army. His storyline then cuts to his time as a slave. As a slave in [[Sadeas]]'s army, he is placed in Bridge Four, and made to run headlong into enemy fire with the rest of his bridgecrew to give the army a way to cross the chasms. After a period of despair, Kaladin works to improve the life of his bridgecrew, and figure out how to escape the trappings of the army.
Kaladin faces the internal struggles of his inability to save those around him and his distrust of any lighteyes, both of which are resolved with the climax of the novel.
[['''Dalinar]]''''s story centers around the politics of the Alethi nobility. Following his brother [[Gavilar]]'s assassination, Dalinar took his last words to heart, and began following the [[Alethi Codes of War]] and the teachings of The Way of Kings, a book written by [[Nohadon]]. He is plagued by visions of the past during every [[Roshar#Highstorms|highstorm]], and has a strong sense that the war on the [[Shattered Plains]] is not what the king needs to be focused on, but rather uniting the Alethi highprinces completely. Following the betrayal by [[Sadeas]], he finally drops politics and embracing the Blackthorn, realizing that he must force the highprinces to unite and finish the war quickly, so they may focus on the [[Desolation]] to come.
[['''Shallan]]''' becomes the ward of the rather infamous scholar [[Jasnah]], in the hopes of stealing her [[Soulcaster]]. Her story is a mostly an internal conflict between continuing her wardship, which she loves, and stealing the [[fabrial]] to help her family. As her conflict progresses, Shallan begins to draw mysterious spren when she's not paying attention, and she believes she is going mad. Things come to a head when her love interest [[Kabsal]] is caught trying to poison Jasnah, and Shallan's theft is revealed. She confronts Jasnah, who can also see the spren and can [[Soulcast]] without the use of a fabrial, and she reveals that she is researching the [[Voidbringers]].
[['''Szeth]]''''s story is told through the Interludes. A [[Truthless]] of [[Shinovar]], he is first introduced when he famously assassinates King [[Gavilar]] of [[Alethkar]]. Known as the Assassin in White, he goes through several masters before getting orders to assassinate several highranking people by a mysterious master. Hating himself, he murders the people on his list until he gets to King [[Taravangian]], who turns out to be the man holding his [[oathstone]].
== Magic System ==