Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elantris (libro)/glosario»

m (orphans)
;[[Atad Mountains]]: (A) The Aonic word for the mountains separating Arelon and Fjordell. (See also [[#D|Dathreki Mountains]])
;[[Atara]]: (A) Duke Telrii's wife.
;[[Atsuko]]: An [[Jindoneese]] artist who visited the [[Rose Empire]]{{ref|b|tes|day|76}}
;[[Dahad]]: (A) An Elantrian.
;[[Dathreki Mountains]]: (F) Fjordell name for the mountains separating Arelon and Fjorden. (See also Atad.)
;[[DeHwo]]: (J) The original Jindoeese name for the man named Dereth in Fjordell. He was a student of Keseg, and originally founded the Derethi religion.
;[[Day of Empire]]: A day prophesied by [[Wryn]] where [[Jaddeth]] would return to [[Sel]]{{ref|b|elantris|c|3}}
;DeluseDoo: (D) A word that loosely translates as 'angered for being insulted.'
;Dendo: (D) A common name for a Duladen commoner.
;[[Meala]]: (A) Head maid in Iadon's castle.
;[[Naolen]]: A [[Teoish]] official{{ref|b|e|c|2}}
;[[Neoden]]: (A) The aging wife of an Arelis earl.
;[[Raoden]]: (A) Crown Prince of Arelon
;[[Rathbore Monastery]]: (F) One of the most influential Fjordell monasteries. It trains assassins.
;[[Redeen]]: A lord who falls in [[Roial]]'s pond{{ref|b|e|c|32}}
;[[Reod]]: (A) The name given to the fall of Elantris. No one knows what caused the Reod. It happened instantaneously; before it, the Elantrians were god-like individuals with incredible power. After the Reod, they were pathetic creatures barely alive. The Reod's effect was felt throughout Arelon; it caused riots in Kae and the surrounding cities, it caused the collapse of the Arelene religion. It was even said to have caused physical cataclysms in the land itself, instigating a massive earthquake that opened an enormous crack in the ground just south of lake Alonoe.
;Revertiss: (F) A famous food dish.
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