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{{in progress}}
|skills=PilotPiloto{{book ref|tsm|36}}{{book ref|tsm|37}}{{book ref|tsm|45}}
|occupation=FieldComandante Commanderde campo{{book ref|tsm|19}}
|religion=[[Adonalsium]]{{book ref|tsm|11}}{{book ref|tsm|36}}
|'ethnicity=[[ThrenodyTreno|ThrenoditeTrenodita]]{{book ref|tsm|7}}
|'nation=[[UnionUnión]] <small>(formerlyanteriormente)</small>{{book ref|tsm|12}}{{book ref|tsm|22}}
|world= Canticle
|first appeared=[[TheEl SunlitHombre ManIluminado]]
'''ZealFervor''' ises aun citizenciudadano ofde [[BeaconBaliza]], onen [[CanticleCántico]], andy workstrabaja ascomo acomandante fieldde commandercampo oro specialplanificador opsde planneroperaciones underespeciales thebajo directionla ofdirección thedel [[Greaterel GoodBien Mayor|Bien Mayor]].{{book ref|tsm|19}} He isEs inel chargeencargado ofde planningplanificar andy executingejecutar thelas raidsincursiones onen [[UnionUnión]] andy alongjunto withcon hissu teamequipo participatesparticipa inen thelas mostpartes sensitivemás anddelicadas difficulty portionsdifíciles ofde thelas missionsmisiones.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|8}}{{book ref|tsm|11}}{{book ref|tsm|33}}
==Apariencia y personalidad==
==Appearance and Personality==
Zeal is a [[Wikipedia:Dwarfism|little person]] standing under four feet tall with dark brown eyes. His arms and legs are shorter than average though his head is typically sized.{{book ref|tsm|7}}
Zeal is extraordinarily stalwart, putting duty to his people above that of his own life on multiple occasions.{{book ref|tsm|8}}{{book ref|tsm|19}}{{book ref|tsm|32}}{{book ref|tsm|36}}{{book ref|tsm|42}}{{book ref|tsm|45}} Though he is formal in his speech and manner when speaking in his official capacity and with his superiors,{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|8}}{{book ref|tsm|11}}{{book ref|tsm|32}}{{book ref|tsm|38}} his demeanor is much more relaxed with the members of his team.{{book ref|tsm|33}}{{book ref|tsm|36}} He is also quite clever and demonstrates an ability to think outside the box beyond what is typical for the other citizens of Beacon.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|11}} Zeal is a follower of [[Adonalsium]], believing that it plays an active and conscious -though not necessarily omniscient- role in the [[cosmere]].{{book ref|tsm|11}}{{book ref|tsm|36}}
==Atributos y habilidades==
==Attributes and Abilities==
Zeal is a member of the central leadership team on Beacon acting as a field commander and special ops planner under the Greater Good.{{book ref|tsm|19}}{{book ref|tsm|32}} He also leads or is deeply involved in Beacon's security as he is in charge of granting signal alignment access to Beacon and is also primarily responsible for supervision and containment of both Nomad and [[Elegy]].{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|11}}{{book ref|tsm|25}}
Zeal is an experienced pilot, taking over the controls of the ''[[Dawnchaser]]'' to fly through the [[Canticle#Geography and Ecology|great maelstrom]] after the other occupants had fallen unconscious and being chosen to fly one of Beacon's modified gunships.{{book ref|tsm|36}}{{book ref|tsm|41}}{{book ref|tsm|42}}{{book ref|tsm|45}} He also flew scout missions for Elegy in the mountainous southern [[Canticle#Cities and Ships|corridor]] to look for a viable path through.{{book ref|tsm|19}}
Zeal was once a citizen of Union but broke away along with the other Beaconites.{{book ref|tsm|12}}{{book ref|tsm|22}} He ran special operations for their [[Lodestar]] Elegy and the Greater Good.{{book ref|tsm|19}}
===RaidAsalto ona UnionUnión===
Zeal leads a raid on Union to rescue a group of captured Beaconites. He uses a device to hack the [[Charred]]'s bracers, incapacitating them all at once. The raiders then swarm Union's arena dropping bombs and raining down rifle fire from their ships. While the Charred and the [[Cinder King]] are distracted by the raid, Zeal and his team sneak onto the Cinder King's private ship and steal the [[Scadrian]] [[Haridan's authorization key|authorization key]] believing it to be a key to the mythical [[Refuge of Stone]], replacing it with a fake.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|12}}
On their way back to Beacon, Zeal is contacted by [[Rebeke Salvage]] over the radio who requests signal alignment, giving the correct pass phrase. He expresses relief to hear from her and asks after her brother [[Divinity]]. Upon learning of his death, Zeal conveys his sorrow and condolences. Rebeke then informs him that she captured Elegy and is bringing her back to Beacon. Zeal reprimands her angrily that she was expressly forbidden from doing so by the Greater Good but allows access to Beacon's signal saying that they will discuss the matter when she returns. Before signing off, Rebeke also informs Zeal of the stranger, Nomad, and of the rescue of [[Thomos]] from the arena whose family she asks Zeal to inform. Upon learning of Nomad, Zeal's first instinct is to ask if he is dangerous, showing his primary focus on Beacon's security.{{book ref|tsm|7}}
===TheEl GreaterBien GoodMayor===
Zeal meets Rebeke as she arrives at Beacon along with Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually, whom Nomad initially believes is Zeal, and a few others. He asks for Nomad's name and when Nomad replies in incomprehensible [[Alethkar#Language and Writing|Alethi]], tries communicating with a [[Wikipedia:Sign Language|signed language]] postulating -as Canticle is a monolingual planet-{{book ref|tsm|8}}{{book ref|tsm|11}} that Nomad may be deaf. Zeal along with Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually then helps the semi-conscious Thomos from the [[hovercycle]] and orders several others to rush him off for medical attention. Zeal, Rebeke, and Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually examine Elegy but are met with only hostile growling, especially after Zeal attempts to prompt her memory of them. Zeal resigns to deal with Elegy later and asks Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually to see to her as best as he can as well as to find Nomad quarters in a ship without local access controls while he and Rebeke meet with the Greater Good. Rebeke and Zeal walk over to the Greater Good's meeting building followed by Nomad who has rebuked Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually's attempts to get him to come to a ship. Rebeke suggests that it may be a good idea for the Greater Good to meet with the stranger and Zeal agrees, placating Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually's worry about Nomad's potential danger with a reminder that Nomad is still wearing the bracers which Zeal can activate to incapacitate the stranger. Zeal takes custody of Nomad and they enter the Greater Good's chambers with Zeal keeping a close watch of Nomad and keeping his hand in his pocket on the device to activate the bracers if needed.{{book ref|tsm|7}}
Nomad requests that they remove his bracers and rebuffs Zeal's attempt to lie that he doesn't have the keys. Chagrined, Zeal asks for permission from the Greater Good to fetch the attuner and brings it back to the meeting room. After a second confirmation from the Greater Good, Zeal removes Nomad's bracers then backs away, continuing to watch him carefully.{{book ref|tsm|11}}
===CouncilReunión Meetingdel Consejo===
{{sidequote|side=right|size=380px|I’d rather die a cold death and leave my soul to light only the mud than give myself to him. Our souls would just further enforce his tyranny.{{book ref|tsm|19}}|Zeal argues against giving up}}
After the failed first attempt to locate the Refuge and being forced into a dangerous southern corridor by the Cinder King, Zeal meets again with the Greater Good and other members of Beacon's leadership to discuss their plan of action. [[Jeffrey Jeffrey]] posits that they have no choice but to surrender to the Cinder King which Zeal adamantly rejects, saying that he would rather end his own life than surrender to the Cinder King and become an additional source of his power. Nomad suggests that they hide in the darkness again and fly out of the corridor to which Zeal explains that they have sent out scouts and the Cinder King's forces are completely blockading all paths further north. Nomad questions how they know there are mountains to the south and east if the sun completely destroys the surface each day. Zeal explains that some features like these mountains and the mountains at each pole remain for longer periods. He adds that Elegy had asked him to scout the mountains in the past to find a way to make the corridor tenable but that no such path exists. Nomad asks why they don't just go over the mountains and Zeal sardonically asks why he had never thought of that himself, explaining that that the mountains are over a thousand feet tall at which height, Contemplation explains, their engines give out.{{book ref|tsm|19}}
Nomad explains to the group a potential plan to get them over the mountain but Confidence despairs that even if they somehow make it over the mountain, they will again be left without any options if the Refuge turns out to be a myth. Zeal counters that they would be nothing without hope and he would rather have hope that a myth might be true than resign himself to stop and be consumed by the sunlight.{{book ref|tsm|19}}
===TheEl Reliquaryrelicario===
{{image|The Reliquary by Nabetse Zitro.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Zeal, Rebeke, a Nomad visit the Chorus}}
Zeal and Rebeke get the Greater Good's permission to bring Nomad to the [[Chorus#Culture|Reliquary]] containing the city's [[Chorus]] so they can manufacture parts for Nomad's engine modifications. Regarding the [[shade]]s, Nomad notes that on [[Threnody]], such things kill people. Zeal explains that they would do so here as well if a person entered the Reliquary. At Nomad's inquiry if they are self aware, Zeal replies that he is unsure and explains that they will sometimes answer questions but other times give only recitations; sometimes unnerving ones about wanting to kill people.{{book ref|tsm|22}}
Nomad asks how long the manufacturing will likely take and Zeal replies that for something like this it will likely take about an hour but it is faster if it is something the shades have produced previously. Zeal asks if Nomad would like any food while they wait and is confused when Nomad replies that he wants something spicy. He leaves and returns with some snacks while they wait for the Chorus to complete their work.{{book ref|tsm|22}}
Zeal watches the test of Nomad's prototype engine and attends the needs of the Greater Good in their preparations for executing Nomad's plan for flying over the mountain.{{book ref|tsm|23}}
Zeal leaves the bracer control device on the desk and asks about Nomad's notes showing guns affixed to Beacon's ships, noting the apparently large scale. Nomad explains that they will be necessary to push past the Cinder King after crossing the mountain. Zeal asks what Nomad believes their chances of a successful crossing is but further discussion is interrupted by signal horns indicating a call to gather as Beacon is beginning to jettison ships to conserve power.{{book ref|tsm|25}}
===StealingRobo Soulsde almas===
After crash landing on the far side of the mountain, Zeal joins the rest of Beacon's leadership in the Reliquary building and reports that the navigators estimate that they have about two and a half hours before the sun will rise high enough above the mountains to cut off any means of escape. After some discussion, Zeal determines that they need to steal additional sunhearts and offers to gather his team for the mission. Nomad suggests that instead of stealing directly from Union, they could instead raid the Cinder King's [[prospector]]s at the location where the Charred created sunhearts from the captives the pervious day. Zeal agrees that this is a workable plan and confirms that they have enough time to reach the spot and get back. Confidence doubts the plan will work as the Cinder King will not be caught flatfooted again after their recent raid. Zeal counters that the Cinder King will not have expected Beacon to survive and so they can use the element of surprise by stealing a Union scout ship to get close. Confidence remains doubtful but Zeal begs her to let him try to save their people. Nomad suggests an alternate plan to use Elegy's reinforced prospector ''Dawnchaser'' to fly into the great maelstrom and dig up the sunhearts themselves before the Cinder King's forces even arrive, a plan to which Zeal readily agrees.{{book ref|tsm|32}}
As the crew races back toward Beacon, Zeal raises the city on the radio as soon as they are outside of the bubble of the Cinder King's radio jammer. Confidence answers and Zeal informs her that they have five sunhearts and are on their way. She fearfully asks him how long until they will return and while he calculates their course he nervously asks how the city is fairing. Confidence gives a status report and Zeal tells her they will have the sunhearts divided into parts by the time they arrive in a little over half an hour.{{book ref|tsm|38}}
===RaidAsalto onal The RefugeRefugio===
Zeal pilots one of the new Beaconite gunships with a sunheart powered cannon freshly welded to the roof and charges through the flatfooted forces of the Cinder King. As [[Zellion]] explains his plan to Rebeke, Zeal warns that some of the enemy ships are already recovering. He flies his gunship in formation with the others surrounding the four transport ships carrying the people of Beacon. Charred catch up to the formation and begin to board Zeal's ship but Zellion and Elegy leap onto the ship and kill the raiders.{{book ref|tsm|41}}{{book ref|tsm|42}}
As the Beaconites attempt to flee for a final time, Zellion sees a gunship, possibly Zeal's, go down.{{book ref|tsm|45}}
===GreaterEl GoodBien Mayor===
Zeal works directly under the Greater Good and is incredibly respectful of them and obedient of their orders.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|8}}{{book ref|tsm|11}}{{book ref|tsm|22}}{{book ref|tsm|32}} The Greater Good also highly value and respect Zeal in turn and he provides his opinions and council in leadership meetings.{{book ref|tsm|8}}{{book ref|tsm|19}}{{book ref|tsm|32}}
===Zeal'sEquipo Teamde Fervor===
Zeal is much more relaxed and informal with his team. He leaves most of the fieldwork to the other team members while he organizes and runs the operations. Zeal considers his team to be an invaluable asset, insisting that they accompany himself, Nomad, and Rebeke on the ''Dawnchaser'' to act as backup should Nomad not be able to complete the mission.
Zeal and his team are jovial and easygoing, cracking jokes at each other's expense and eating and laughing together even in the most dire of situations.{{book ref|tsm|33}}
Zeal is extremely wary of Nomad upon first meeting him.{{book ref|tsm|7}} While the two are first meeting with the Greater Good, Zeal keeps close watch over Nomad the entire time and keeps his hand on the device to activate Nomad's bracers.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|11}} When instructed to remove the bracers, Zeal confirms the order with the Greater Good twice before complying.{{book ref|tsm|11}} Nomad slowly gains Zeal's trust; his outlook moving from hostility,{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|11}} to sarcastic contempt of Nomad's apparent ignorance,{{book ref|tsm|19}} to acceptance,{{book ref|tsm|22}} and finally to reliance and friendship.{{book ref|tsm|36}}{{book ref|tsm|41}}{{book ref|tsm|42}}
While Rebeke is not a member of Zeal's personal team, she does work as an outrider and a scout under his authority.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|12}} He cares for her wellbeing and is sympathetic upon learning of the death of her brother Divinity and is later gentle in his suggestion that she may not have seen Divinity amongst the Chorus.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|22}} However, he is frustrated that she disobeyed direct orders not to go after Elegy during the raid on Union and brings her to the Greater Good for discipline.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|8}}
Zeal has great respect for Elegy before she is converted into a Charred and flew as a scout at her behest to try to find a viable path through the mountains in the southern corridor.{{book ref|tsm|19}} He and his team also executed her plan to steal the authorization key from Union using the raid as a distraction.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|8}} After her conversion, Zeal is extremely distrustful of Elegy, keeping her bound and imprisoned at all times.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|25}} However, Zeal remains hopeful that there is some of the old Elegy left and reaches out to see if she has any amount of recognition of him on multiple occasions.{{book ref|tsm|7}}{{book ref|tsm|33}}