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;Plot Summary
Rig and Spensa are back in the cave working on M-Bot, arguing about why the DDF would cover up Spensa's father's betrayal. Spensa is also still mourning Bim and Morningtide. Rig believes that once they repair M-Bot, he will be FAST, even faster than the scouts. Rig also explains where he has been getting all of his spare parts and how impressed his superiors are at his detailed copying of M-Bot's rotating side, capable of further limiting the effects of high g-forces on the human body. Rig and Spensa continue arguing about a DDF-wide cover up, when M-Bot answers Spensa's question about why the DDF would lie with his own theory, the Greater Argument for Human-Originated Chaos(GAFHOC). Because humans have free will, they are impossible to completely predict, unlike machines, who are designed to execute commands given through lines of code. Rig informs Spensa that he still needs to look over M-Bot's intakes, thrusters, joints, atmospheric scoops, and GravCaps. He Also informs Spensa that she'll need to find a way to get a central booster from any starship with one anywhere from A-17 to A-32. These engines are only found on DDF starships, which would require Spensa to commit treason. Rig informs Spensa that M-Bot is equipped with a cleansing pod, a luxury only the rich in the lower caverscaverns have. Spensa lowers herself in, and takes a good, long, relaxing soak.
=== Chapter 23 ===
;Plot Summary
Spensa heads down the elevator to Igneous, and when she exits, the people there part, letting her through, some soldiers even saluting her. Spensa goes to where her mother sells algae wraps to off-shift workers, her mother sees her, and runs over to embrace her. They go back to selling wraps, and Spensa realizes her mother thinks she's been kicked out of Flight School. Spensa shows her the jumpsuit and cadet pin and tells her that she'll graduate in two weeks. Spensa tells her mother that once she graduates, they can move into a bigger apartment and mebe rich, to which her mother tells her that the DDF made the same promise if she would simply publicly accept that her father was a coward. She opted not to, so remains poor and selling algae wraps as a show of public defiance. Spensa tells her mother of her fear of the defect, and her mother tells her it's made up, but that her Gran-Gran has a different opinion. Spensa goes to her old apartment and sees her Gran-Gran, near blind, sorting beads by color. She starts to help her, and her Gran-Gran asks her if she wants to hear a story about Alexander the Great, or Hervor, or Beowulf. Spensa tells her she is scared and confused and doesn't want to hear any more stories, and she asks her Gran-Gran if any of the people in the stories she tells Spensa are real. Gran-Gran tells Spensa it doesn't matter, as stories bring normal people hope. Spensa then tells Gran-Gran that she saw the holorecording of the Battle of Alta, and that it's true that her father turned coward. Gran-Gran considers this for a moment, then tells Spensa she's going to tell her a story. Spensa protests, but Gran-Gran tells her it is her own story, and Spensa stops, intrigued, as she's never heard a story about Gran-Gran before. Gran-Gran tells her a story about back when she was a little girl aboard the ''Defiant'' and her father, a historian, would tell her stories about great heroes from their days on Earth. It was Gran-Gran's mother who could hear the stars and power the ship to far away places. She then tells Spensa that the ''Defiant'' and its small fleet became involved in an intergalactic war, and the Krell began fighting them. They fought back, and the Captain of the ''Defiant'' ordered Gran-Gran's mother to take the ship somewhere, but she refused, and used all of her strength to send the ''Defiant'' to Detritus. Gran-Gran believes this is why the others hate Spensa and her , because they control where humanity can ultimately travel to, and now that they have no communal starship capable of traveling great distances, the others have no need of Spensa and her family's ability. As Spensa begins to climb down the ladder, Gran-Gran forcefully tells her to stop, and tells her that if the humans are to ever truly win and escape the Krell, they need someone like Spensa who can hear the stars.
=== Chapter 46 ===