Diferencia entre revisiones de «Doncella de Kelesina Shores»

sin resumen de edición
AUna Terriswomanterrisana worksque fortrabaja para [[Kelesina Shores]] as ancomo '''assistantauxiliar housedel stewardmayordomo''' aten thela Shoresmansión mansionShores inen [[NewNueva Seran]] onen [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb6|14}}
== Apariencia y personalidad ==
SheParece isuna agedpersona andmayor wearsy theviste traditionalcon el tradicional [[Terristinningdar]] de [[tinningdarTerris]] .{{book ref|mb6|14}} SheSe ispresume presumablyque somewhates frailun andpoco slenderfrágil wheny fillingdelgada acuando llena su [[FeruchemicalPeltre#Uso_feruquímico|mentepeltre]] [[pewterFeruquimia|feruquímica]]mind; whencuando shela taps oneutiliza, hersu cuello se vuelve necktan becomesgrueso ascomo largeel asmuslo ade man'sun thighhombre.{{book ref|mb6|16}}
== Atributos y habilidades ==
La auxiliar es una [[Feruquimia|ferrin]] de los que se conocen como ''brutos'' y es capaz de almacenar y luego usar fuerza física almacenada en una mentepeltre. Su cuerpo se transforma cuando utiliza peltre, aumentando instantáneamente su musculatura hasta el punto en que Wax la describe como 'enorme'. A pesar de su tamaño en este estado, todavía se mueve muy rápido. Es capaz de asfixiar a Wax casi hasta el punto de perder el conocimiento, y golpea a MeLaan lo suficientemente fuerte como para desgarrar su carne y revelar sus huesos. También es resistente al dolor y continúa atacando incluso después de que le hayan roto la nariz y la mano.{{book ref|mb6|16}}
The steward is a [[Ferring]] known as a Brute and is able to store and later tap physical strength in a pewtermind. Her body transforms when she taps pewter, instantly increasing her musculature to the point that Wax describes her as "enormous". Despite her size in this state, she still moves very quickly. She is able to choke Wax nearly to the point of unconsciousness, and she punches MeLaan hard enough to split her flesh and reveal her bones. She is also resistant to pain and continues to attack even after her nose is broken and her hand is shattered.{{book ref|mb6|16}}
The steward is trusted by Kelesina and is tasked with both reporting on [[Wax]]'s activities and passing on information from Kelesina's staff, including her Seeker. The steward has significant knowledge of Kelesina's interactions with the [[Set]]; [[Suit]] addresses the steward directly when she walks in on a conversation that he was having with Kelesina through a communication device.{{book ref|mb6|15}} It is not clear if the steward is a member of the Set, but her actions imply that she was working directly with Suit or other members of the Set without Kelesina's knowledge. When Wax appears, the steward shoots Kelesina almost immediately; Wax believes this was a pre-planned move by Suit to get rid of Kelesina and frame him for the murder. The steward is also aware that Kelesina possesses a powerful [[gold]]mind in the shape of a bracelet, and makes sure to take it from her corpse.{{book ref|mb6|16}}
