Diferencia entre revisiones de «Caballeros Radiantes»

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:Truthwatchers bond with [[mistspren]], gaining the ability to use the Surges of Progression and [[Illumination]].{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} The surge of Progression grants the Truthwatchers the power of regrowth, which allows them to heal people{{book ref|wor|i|2}}, and at least two Truthwatchers have demonstrated the ability to foresee future events{{epigraph ref|Oathbringer|85}}{{book ref|wor|85}}. Truthwatchers are associated with the emerald polestone, the essence of Pulp, and the Herald [[Pailiah]].
;[[OrderOrden ofde Lightweaverslos Tejedores de Luz]]
:Lightweavers bond with [[Cryptic]]s, or liespren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Illumination and [[Transformation]].{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} They can create illusions and have the inherent ability to [[Soulcast]].{{book ref|twok|72}} Lightweavers are associated with the garnet polestone, the essence of Blood, and the Herald [[Shalash]].
;[[Orden de los Nominadores de lo Otro]]
;[[Order of Elsecallers]]
:Elsecallers bond with [[inkspren]], which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Transformation and [[Transportation]].{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} They have the inherent ability to [[Soulcast]].{{book ref|twok|72}} They have the closest affiliation with [[Shadesmar]] out of all the orders. Elsecallers are associated with the zircon polestone, the essence of Tallow, and the Herald [[Battar]].
;[[Orden de los Escultores de Voluntad]]
;[[Order of Willshapers]]
:Willshapers bond with [[lightspren]], also known as Reachers, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Transportation and [[Cohesion]].{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} Willshapers are associated with the amethyst polestone, the essence of Foil, and the Herald [[Kalak]].
;[[Orden de los Custodios de Piedra]]
;[[Order of Stonewards]]
:Stonewards bond with [[peakspren]], gaining the ability to use the Surges of Cohesion and [[Tension]].{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} Stonewards are associated with the topaz polestone, the essence of Talus, and the Herald [[Talenel]].
;[[Orden de los Forjadores de Vínculos]]
;[[Order of Bondsmiths]]
:Bondsmiths bond with three unique spren—the [[Stormfather]], the [[Sibling]], and the [[Nightwatcher]]—which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Tension and Adhesion.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} Bondsmiths are associated with the heliodor polestone, the essence of Sinew, and the Herald [[Ishar]].
The Knights Radiant also used [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]], which were etched with glyphs and glowed a different color according to the Order they were a part of. Not all Radiants have access to Shards and many Orders don't receive them until they have sworn the higher Ideals.
== SquiresEscuderos ==
Many orders of the knights are able to grant the ability to use [[Stormlight]] and some of their [[Surgebinding|Surges]] to people, possibly those capable of becoming knights themselves. It appears that potential squires must have a mindset that matches at least partly with the requirements of the order. For [[Order of Windrunners|Windrunners]] this appears to be a mental state geared to protection. Many squires recite the First Ideal before gaining Surgebinding, but this is not required. Each order follows a path and with a Knight willing to help the first steps can be taken before Bonding a [[spren]] themselves. This shows the spren what people are good candidates for each order, and reducing the chance that a spren will die from failed oaths. Time as a Squire also allows a person to practice Surgebinding before gaining a Nahel bond.
The powers of a squire are tied to a particular Radiant and their spren, and without their presence, a squire cannot draw in Stormlight to Surgebind, even if another full Knight of the same order is present.{{book ref|sa3|120}} Squires must be within approximately fifty miles of their Radiant to use their powers, although they begin to weaken once they are separated by thirty miles or more.{{book ref|sa3|55}} While it has been said that some orders may not have squires,{{wob ref|6740}} the [[Order of Windrunners|Windrunners]],{{book ref|sa3|2}} [[Order of Skybreakers|Skybreakers]],{{book ref|sa3|90}} [[Order of Dustbringers|Dustbringers]],{{book ref|sa2|4}} [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweavers]],{{book ref|sa3|77}} [[Order of Willshapers|Willshapers]],{{book ref|sa4|67}} [[Order of Stonewards|Stonewards]],{{wob ref|15204}} and [[Order of Bondsmiths|Bondsmiths]]{{wob ref|13781}} are known to have squires.
== ImmortalPalabras WordsInmortales ==
{{for|/Immortal Words|a full list of all the Ideals}}
Ideals must be sworn in order, even if a Radiant is ready to swear a higher ideal than the one they cannot currently swear.{{wob ref|15259}}
== VorinismVorinismo ==
In [[Vorinism]], the fall of the Knights Radiant was called the [[Day of Recreance]].
Vorinism taught that the Knights Radiant betrayed the people. It was taught that their powers were not real, but elaborate tricks, and that they only pretended to have a holy calling. The "evidence" for this was that the powers could not be reproduced.
== NotableCaballeros KnightsRadiantes Radiantdestacados ==
{{for|:Category:Knights Radiant|all Knights Radiant}}
== TriviaCuriosidades ==
* Brandon intended for sets of Ideals across Orders (e.g. the Third Ideal) to have a theme, though not all oaths will follow the pattern.{{wob ref|12012}}
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