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It is possible to gain impressions from beads of what object they represent{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{wob ref|6642}} - this is more easily done by those who are [[Investiture#Investiture_of_Humans|Invested]],{{book ref|sa3|89}}{{book ref|sa3|93}} however, there is still an element of natural talent with some people being better suited to the task than others.{{book ref|sa4|26}} [[Investiture]] is not needed to get impressions or visualize the souls of the beads,{{book ref|sa3|108}} although the beads are attracted to Investiture and will swarm someone who holds it if they are able to sense it.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} Impressions will match the magnitude of the object, with larger, older, and/or grander objects threatening to overwhelm the person holding the bead.{{book ref|sa3|89}} As well as this, the weight of each bead is related, but not equal, to the physical object it represents, with souls for larger objects being deceptively heavier than they appear.{{book ref|sa2|7}}
Investiture, such as [[Stormlight]], can be detected by the beads if contained in a gemstone, or held by a [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]]. The degree that the beads can sense Investiture from a Knights Radiant is dependent on the Order, with some being less "detectable" than others.{{book ref|sa3|89}} Because of the reaction of the Shademar ocean beads, it can be dangerous for [[Surgebinder]]s to use their powers while in the Realm, lest they draw the beads - and dangerous spren - to themselves and their companions.{{book ref|sa3|89}} Despite these issues, traveling Shadesmar without sufficient Stormlight is unwise as it is the currency of the realm and can be used by the spren to heal if required.{{book ref|sa4|36}}{{book ref|sa3|97}} It is unclear if the Shadesmar beads can be infused with Stormlight.{{wob ref|10295}}{{wob ref|10290}}
If fed Stormlight by a [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]] or [[Elsecaller]], the beads can be used to build objects based on visualization the soul of a specific bead.{{wob ref|14422}} The beads will fit together with the source bead to form a lattice like structure until the object has formed.{{book ref|sa3|89}}{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} These objects can be load bearing,{{book ref|sa3|89}} even when they would not be in the Physical Realm, and the entire object does not need to be created.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} Some creations can move on their own, though not very well.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} Creations of larger or more solid objects, may be more difficult to relocate without first collapsing the structure, while smaller ones can be moved around more easily. Stormlight can be reclaimed from these creations, although not all is returned to the user.{{book ref|sa3|89}}
Like with water, it is possible to drown if pulled under the beads, as they will swarm beings if they make contact and will attempt to force their way into a person's mouth and throat,{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} causing them to suffocate.{{book ref|sa1|70}} It is not possible to swim through the beads as they provide no buoyancy, and instead people will sink into what feels like a viscous liquid.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} There is an underwater current that moves the beads,{{book ref|sa3|93}}{{book ref|sa3|99}} that is stronger than what would normally be found in Physical Realm oceans.{{book ref|sa4|26}}
The Highstorm appears as ripples and vibrant colors in the sky, with shimmering clouds that are an ethereal luminescence.{{book ref|sa3|97}} There is a pulse to the Highstorm, that may be similar in nature to the beat heard by true spren during other weather events.{{book ref|sa3|97}} Spheres do not get infused with Stormlight whlie in the Cogntivie Realm.{{book ref|sa4|29}}
The three realms blend together within the Highstorm, and an Invested person can briefly see into the Spiritual Realm if they are able to access the storm via Shadesmar. However, it does not appear possible to access the Physical Realm using this method.{{book ref|sa3|97}} The Stormfather is able to sense someone accessing the realms through the Highstorm in the Cognitive Realm, however, this is not a common occurrence.{{book ref|sa3|107}} This connection is not two ways, however, and the person in the storm cannot sense the Stormfather.{{book ref|sa3|97}}
=== Food and Drink ===
True spren do not require food or water to survive,{{book ref|sa3|93}} however, they are able to consume [[Stormlight]]{{book ref|sa4|36}} or human emotions.{{book ref|sa3|99}} The weather patterns of Shadesmar also nourishes spren, the way food would nourish human.{{book ref|sa3|101}}{{book ref|sa3|110}} Lesser spren feed on Stor
Human rations are available for purchase in Shadesmar cities and are sometimes carried by spren sailors, even when they do not currently have human passengers.{{book ref|sa3|99}} Rations are most easily found in port cities which see a steady trade of the goods to help accommodate for humans that live in the area.{{book ref|sa3|93}} Tinned food is commonly found in Shadesmar, and may originate from [[Scadrial]] due to their canning processes.{{book ref|sa3|97}}{{book ref|sa3|102}}{{wob ref|8650}}{{wob ref|10807}} Water can be created using a [[hydrator]]; these devices are carried on ships in the case that humans are granted passage by the captain.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
==== Surgebinding ====
All [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]]s have an attachment to Shadesmar, by virtue of the [[Nahel Bond]],{{book ref|sa3|33}} and on occasion, they can see a glimpse of the realm.{{book ref|sa2|41}}{{book ref|sa1|45}} Orders that have the Surges of Transformation or Transportation have greater access.{{book ref|sa3|33}}{{book ref|sa4|11}}{{book ref|sa1|70}} Due to this higher affinity, it is particularly dangerous for [[Order_of_ElsecallersOrder of Elsecallers|Elsecallers]], [[Order_of_LightweaversOrder of Lightweavers|Lightweavers]], and [[Order_of_WillshapersOrder of Willshapers|Willshapers]] to visit Shadesmar without sufficient Stormlight as it risks their minds or body becoming trapped.{{book ref|sa1|70}}{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} All three orders are capable of mentally peeking into Shadesmar,{{book ref|sa3|33}}{{book ref|sa4|11}}{{book ref|sa1|70}} although there is a level of talent involved in this process.{{book ref|sa4|20}} This ability is a "quiet" use of [[Investiture]] and will not draw the attention of [[secretspren]].{{book ref|sa1|45}}
During times where the realms are closer, or combined, it is easier to access Shadesmar and an overlay effect can occur with the [[Physical Realm]]. [[Soulcast]]ing also becomes much easier to perform.{{book ref|sa3|120}} When in Shadesmar, Soulcasting can be performed on any physical material that is in the Cognitive Realm, however, if performed on the beads then only the object in the Physical Realm is affected. Items that fully exists in Shadesmar, however, can be changed into other substances as would normally occur.{{book ref|sa3|93}}{{book ref|sa4|26}} Soulcasting items that are in the Cognitive Realm is easier than changing the souls of the beads.{{book ref|sa4|93}}