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* [[Zeen Nightshade]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Spensa stands in an elevator as the door opens to Alta Base, a bit hesitant as people around her start walking out. A girl behind her expresses similar sentiments, wondering if this is real, before telling her that they can handle it. As they leave the elevator, Spensa is surprised that the girl isn't shunning her like all the other people she's known. The girl introduces herself as [[Kimmalyn]] and they realize they are in the same class. Spensa wonders if Kimmalyn's friendly, laid-back demeanor will work for her as a Defiant, while Kimmalyn thinks Spensa's aggressive attitude is a bit too much. They pass a checkpoint and enter their classroom building. Spensa feels nervous at how open her surroundings are, but pushes it back and prepares to learn how to become a pilot.
* [[Zeen Nightshade]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
;Plot Summary
Spensa and Kimmalyn enter the room, first, and see ten Poco-class training cockpits forming a circle. The door opens, and two more cadets enter, Bim, a short Yeongian boy with dark blue hair, and Hudiya, a blonde, athletic-looking girl from Igneous. After those two came Morningtide, a Vician girl with a tattoo across her lower jaw. After Morningtide enters comes Freyja, a tall skinny girl with very short blonde hair. After Freyja comes Jorgen, Arturo, and Ned. Jorgen calls for the cadets to line up against the wall, to which Hudiya and Spensa object to. Spensa calls him "Jerkface", and then takes a shot at him being an entitled son of a First Citizen, because he didn't have to take his entry test to Flight School. After arguing for a little while longer, Spensa realizes that none of the cadets in the Flight School know her personally, therefore, none of them know who her father is, meaning she has a clean slate and can start anew with this group. After this realization, Mongrel enters the room, and identifies himself as Captain Cobb. Mongrel tells the cadets their chances of even making it out of Flight School are slim, and then designates Jorgen as flightleader, with Arturo and Ned as assistant flightleaders. Spensa is outraged, so Mongrel takes her into the hallway, and tells her to knock it off because he's already stuck his neck out for her far enough, and informs her that between the three of them, Jorgen, Arturo, and Ned have thousands of flight hours logged, as well as multiple relatives who made it out of the Flight School to become full-fledged DDF members. This shuts Spensa up, and she asks Mongrel if she needs to do any menial labor as punishment; Mongrel tells her the punishment for acting out of line is simple - she won't get to fly.
=== Chapter 9 ===
* [[Spensa Nightshade]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Bim]]
* [[Hudiya]]
* [[Morningtide]]
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]]
* [[Judy Ivans]]
* [[Jax (Skyward)|Jax]]
;Plot Summary
Spensa and Cobb return to the classroom, and Mongrel begins explaining the various features of the training cockpits, or mockpits. Each of the mockpits is equipped with a large holographic projector to simulate flight, as real starfighters are too expensive to waste on inexperienced cadets. The mockpits do not simulate g-forces, so the cadets will have to spend time in the centrifuge to imitate that. Cobb begins to inform the students they will be able to pick their own callsigns when Rig bursts into the room and explains that Elevator 103-D was broken for two hours, to which a voice on the intercom confirms to Cobb. Cobb lets Spensa enter a mockpit, and he goes around the circle turning on each of the cadets' holographic projectors. The projectors produce an extremely accurate depiction of the launchpad outside of the Flight School, with all ten mockpits having holographic fighters appear to each of the other cadets on the video feed. Cobb begins to tell the cadets that they'll practice takeoffs, when he is interrupted by Jorgen, who explains he can lead the flight in this endeavor. Jorgen explains that to change altitude, the best tool to use is the highly valuable acclivity ring, as well as the uses of the control sphere in banking right or left. Each of the cadets take off, and only Jorgen, Nedd, Arturo, and Freyja don't crash. The flight proceed to practice gaining and losing altitude for three hours. Cobb instructs Jorgen to conduct a roll call at their selected height of 500 feet. An argument ensues over whether or not it is acceptable to eject from a starfighter, an argument Cobb ends by informing the cadets that a life is just as valuable as an acclivity ring. Spensa dubs the flight Skyward Flight, and the roll call begins. Nedd identifies his callsign as Nedder, Hudiya as Hurl, Rig as Rigmarole, Arturo as Amphisbaena, Kimmalyn decides to be Quick, Morningtide keeps her name as her callsign, Freyja decides to be known as FM, Spensa chooses the callsign Spin, and she also dubs Jorgen "Jerkface." An alarm goes off in the Flight School, and Ironsides asks Cobb to send his flight to the launchpad, as Nightmare Flight is down in the caverns for rest and relaxation.
=== Chapter 10 ===
* [[Spensa Nightshade]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Bim]]
* [[Hudiya]]
* [[Morningtide]]
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]]
;Plot Summary
Spensa and Rig exit the training room and begin jogging towards the launchpad. Cobb radios in to the flight as they're running to the launchpad, and mistakenly identifies Kimmalyn as Quirk, a name that sticks. Spensa enters a Poco-class starship, and a member of the ground crew informs her of its basic differences from the mockpit she practiced on. She activates the acclivity ring, and lifts off, feeling the g-forces of flying for the first time. She levels out at fifteen hundred feet, and Jerkface does a roll call. Cobb informs Jerkface that flight command has ordered them to climb to two thousand feet and hover above the city, hoping to trick any Krell that come near into thinking that their rookie flight was a fresh set of veteran reinforcements. While waiting, Spensa and Arturo explain the basic strategy of the Krell; large bombers carry precious lifebuster bombs, that if dropped on the city, would vaporize all of Alta Base, Igneous Cavern, and destroy some of the lower caverns. After a little more waiting, Spensa spots a Krell ship heading towards Alta Base at 11 o'clock, two hundred feet down. Jerkface informs Cobb, Cobb informs flight command, and Jerkface and Nedder are given the command to go after the lone Krell ship. Spensa breaks formation to join Jerkface and Nedder, and Cobb orders Hurl to follow as her wingmate. The four cadets streak toward the Krell ship, hoping to intercept it before it reaches Alta Base, when it suddenly swoops around and flies toward them.
=== Chapter 11 ===
* [[Spensa Nightshade]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Bim]]
* [[Hudiya]]
* [[Morningtide]]
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]]
* [[Judy Ivans]]
;Plot Summary
As the Krell starship approaches, Spensa attempts to pull into a turn she's drawn thousands of times, only to realize it is much more difficult to pull off in real life, almost crashing into Hurl. Whilst performing a series of dogfighting maneuvers with Nedd and the Krell ship, Jorgen pulls off a near-perfect twin-S dodge. Cobb warns Jorgen to avoid performing complex maneuvers, as it will allow the Krell to identify him as a flightleader, and therefore target him. After performing a perfect Ahlstrom loop, Jorgen attempts another spin, this time less successful, leading the Krell back towards the other six members of the flight. The members of the flight scatter, but Morningtide clips Bim in the scuffle. Krell destructor blasts hit Rig head on, but his shield holds, and Kimmalyn dropped five hundred feet below her flightmates to try and line up a destructor shot. Jorgen decides to lure the Krell ship higher so Alta's AA guns can reach it, only to realize his shield is down. Spensa nearly blacks out from g-forces in a rush to save him, only for Kimmalyn to snipe the unshielded Krell ship from far below. Rig reveals he threw up in his ship, so Cobb tells him to return to the launchpad, with Hurl as an escort. Cobb reveals Kimmalyn's recommendation to the Flight School because of her accuracy record as a gunner from Bountiful Cavern, and the flight retreats to the launchpad as Nightmare Flight come to relieve them. The flight is shown their bunks, but Spensa is not given one, and is told by Cobb that Ironsides has forbidden her access to a bunk or the mess hall, and that she must take the elevator to get between Igneous Cavern and Flight School every day. Two MPs escort her off the premises, and she overhears Jorgen and Cobb talking about the insubordination of the flight. Jorgen leaves in an extremely expensive private car, and Spensa walks off toward the waiting area for the elevators. As she's waiting in line, she realizes that her secret cavern is probably a quicker commute than going all the way back to Igneous, so she goes there and falls asleep in the cockpit of the old ship.