Diferencia entre revisiones de «Edmund Sense»

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m (→‎History: Sara has no 'h' in Steelheart)
m (rephrase)
; Energy Charging: Edmund can power any electrical device, or recharge any depleted battery or power source. Batteries and power cells charged by Edmund or one of his giftees hold many times more power than their normal counterparts, a portable power cell being sufficient to power a small city.
; Transference: He can give others his ability by touch, or recall the power at will. This ability does not work on other Epics.
; Weakness: HisEdmund's weakness was due to a crippling fear of dogs. Steelheart would use this to torture him; however, butat one point, he facedtackled itone andof nowthe theydogs don'twho reallywas affectrunning histoward powersa toolittle girl, and thus faced his muchfear.
== History ==