Diferencia entre revisiones de «Orden de los Corredores del Viento»

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Syl was impressed and unfamiliar with this feat, suggesting it is not a typical Windrunner ability. It ismay notbe obviouslya variation of the Surge of GravitationAdhesion: orthe Adhesion,wings butof morewindspren likelymay involvesbe a ConnectionLashing betweenthat Kaladin andbinds the windspren who,together respondingand to his intense Intent to protectKaladin, and fueled by his Stormlight, partwhile the winds. Nonetheless, it is likely connected to onecalming of the Surgeswinds somehow,themselves andmay isbe possiblya an exampleresult of [[Resonance]]. It seems related to how Kaladin's hasinfusion "claimedof the winds",windspren atwith leastLight, insimilar termsto ofa [[Intent]]Diminisher and [[Connectionfabrial|Diminishers]].
== History ==