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After the skaa riots started, Straff Venture decided to leave the city. Elend, predicting the skaa rebelionrebellion would result in a mass bloodshed, decided to stay to try to quell the skaa, to prevent mass slaughter. His father let Elend stay, hoping he would be killed by the rebellion or by the Lord Ruler. Elend sent the Venture guards and servants to [[Keep Lekal]], not caring about political differences, to join forces to defend against the skaa upheaval.{{book ref|mb1|36}} With five soldiers, he turned himself in, and told [[Dockson]] not to attack the noble houses. Elend explained to him that the nobles wouldn't attack, they would just keep to the safety of their houses. After learning that Vin had been captured by the Ministry, he and his soldiers, as well as [[Goradel]], attacked [[Kredik Shaw]], buying time for Vin to find a metal vial and saving her life.
Afterward, when seeking help for Vin, Elend and Sazed found skaa rebels slaughtering palace soldiers. The soldiers would try to surrender, but the rebels ignored it and kept slaughtering them. Elend, revolted by the sight of the mass slaughtering, stood up and started his speech. He spoke of the dangers of bloodshed and chaos as a basis for a nation, of the need for a stable system, and of his dreams for a new, fairer nation in the Central Dominance. Instead of killing him, the rebels listened to him and stopped fighting, acknowledging that the bloodshed wouldn't accomplish anything. This speech was ultimately the reason Elend was crowned king. [[Breeze]] also helped by Soothing away the skaa's anger.{{book ref|mb1|epilogue}}