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A Shardblade is a magical weapon, created by unknown means, presumably by the [[Almighty]], for use of the [[Knights Radiant]]. They are currently used by various factions and persons across [[Roshar]].
Shardblades are unbreakable, can cut through stone with ease, and cut through a creature's soul rather than its flesh; though once the creature is killed the flesh is cut instead of the soul which has been severed. They are summoned by their holder over the course of ten heartbeats. When the holder (or [[Shardbarer]]) is killed, the Shardblade appears to be claimed by another; instead of vanishing as it does when it's [[Shardbarer]] drops it well still alive.
Possibly related to the [[Dawnblade]]s held by the ten [[Heralds]].
Persons currently known to hold a Shardblade:
King [[Elhokar]]
[[Highprince]] [[Sadeas]],
[[Brightlord]] [[Adolin]],
[[Shallan]] Davar,
[[Brightlord]] [[Amaram]],
An unidentified [[Parshendi]] [[Shardbearer]]