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{{image|Abovethestorm.png|[[Kaladin]] floating over a highstorm|side=left|width=300px}}
Highstorms are highly [[Investiture|Invested]],{{book ref|sa2|I|6}} and are the primary source of Investiture on Roshar. Gemstones are infused with [[Stormlight]] when left outside during a highstorm.{{book ref|sa1|11}} This magical source of illumination and power is used to Invest [[fabrial]]s and fuel [[Surgebinding]]. Surgebinders can also gain Stormlight directly from a highstorm, without the gemstones to serve as the intermediary.{{book ref|sa2|86}} They need to be within about a hundred feet from the highstorm to get Stormlight.{{book ref|sa3|60}} The strength of the storm is not tied directly to the amount of Stormlight Invested into gemstones.{{wob ref|11482}} Highstorms predate the [[Shattering of Adonalsium]],{{wob ref|12266}} though they have been significantly altered from their original form by certain events,{{wob ref|8624}} likely the Shattering itself, as well as both the arrival and [[Splinter]]ing of Honor.
Several types of [[spren]] are associated with highstorms, most notably the [[Stormfather]], who has a degree of control over them and can send one at will.{{book ref|sa2|83}} The [[honorspren]] seem to have a connection to the storms as well, as they can always predict an upcoming highstorm.{{book ref|sa3|20}}