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m (Taking this out for now :))
In the siege leading up to the main assault, the Voidbringers used various siege tactics to weaken and test the city's defenses. Upon the arrival of [[Moash]]'s group, refugees were released by the Voidbringers in order to further encumber the besieged city, which was already running low on food. In order to prevent communication with other allied cities, the Voidbringers deployed a variety of Voidspren referred to as Screamers to detect the use of fabrials within the city, particularly spanreeds. These spren detected the use of fabrials and investiture within the city and upon detection emitted their namesake scream to alert nearby scouting Fused, who would then neutralize the source. The Fused were also shown to engage in raids on the city walls in order to gauge the city's defenses, which were primarily maintained by [[Vivenna|Highmarshal Azure]] and her [[Kholinar Wall Guard]].
When Dalinar's task force arrived in Kholinar, they hid at the house of Adolin's tailor. Shallan and Kaladin went to send a message to the queen but when Shallan tried to enter the castle she was stabbed by a soldier and feigned death to escape. The members of the task force split up. Elhokar arranged to meet up with the other remaining lighteyed nobles to attempt to win them over to their cause, and Adolin became his bodyguard. Shallan and most of her espionage group stole food and gave it to the poor (she was later labeled the "Swiftspren") in order to infiltrate the [[Cult of Moments]], a group of fanatics influenced by [[Unmade|Ashertmarn]] who had taken control of the Oathgate platform. Unfortunately, Shallan later learned that the food she was giving out was being collected by a gang of criminals, who then killed one of the people she gave food. Shallan suffered a mental breakdown after realizing that the people she was trying to help had been hurt by her actions, but she recovered after [[Hoid|Wit]] told her the story of [[The Girl Who Looked Up]]. Kaladin joined the [[Kholinar Wall Guard]] so that he could find out more information about the group (particularly its leader, Highmarshal Azure) and how they were providing food for the city. He was surprised to discover that Highmarshal Azure was female, he then spent several days with the Wall Guard. Later during a raid on the wall, Kaladin killed a Fused. Azure then showed him how she was procuring food -- in an underground chamber with aluminum walls used to prevent the screamers from sensing the Soulcastesr who were making food. Kaladin then convinced the Wall Guard to help storm the palace with the rest of Dalinar's team. They fight
== Aftermath ==