Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:King of Herdaz/Dalinar Kholin»

=== Uniting Roshar (1174 - ) ===
==== Internal IssuesAffairs ====
Now bonded with the [[Stormfather]], Dalinar freely revisited the visions to try and learn more about the previous desolations. He saw Odium’s light, a vision of a figure in dark Shardplate, with nine shadows and glowing red eyes. The Stormfather explained that the nine shadows were the [[Unmade]], and the figure was Odium’s champion. What he saw in this vision convinced him of the urgency of forming an alliance with the other leaders of Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|1}}
Meanwhile, in Urithiru, Dalinar was informed that someone had murdered Sadeas. After breaking up a fight between members of Bridge Four and a contingent of Sadeas soldiers he had the body moved to a side room and called for Ialai. While waiting for Ialai and the other Highprinces to arrive he contemplated all of the men they had lost at Narak and how understaffed they were, in scribes and officers. He realized that while it did make him look bad, Sadeas' death was something to celebrate. He then took this opportunity to delegate; Adolin was put in charge of their soldiers <strike>'''Sadeas’ murder investigation'''</strike>, Sebarial became the Highprince of Commerce, and Aladar was appointed as the Highprince of Information. ShalanShallan and Renarin, their Radiants, were not given specific tasks, rather they were given Stormlight, now a non-renewable resource, and instructed to use it to practice using their abilities.{{book ref|sa3|2}}
==== Marriage ====
|Old friend, Honor might be dead, but I have felt … something else. Something beyond. A warmth and a light. It is not that God has died, it is that the Almighty was never God.
When the Everstorm came next, Dalinar felt the enemy’s presence, and the enemy was aware of him in return. Navani went to comfort him, and in the process of their conversation asked him why he kept pushing off their marriage. He said that this time he wanted to do it properly with oaths. Navaini responded that no ardent would marry them as they were considered siblings under Vorin law and were not permitted to marry by the church. She told him that she was not trying to take Evi's place and she understood that Dalinar still had affection for her. Dalinar told her that she was wrong and admitted that he had been unable to hear his wife's name or remember anything about her for years. He said that he remembered having gone to seek the [[Nightwatcher]], who removed his memories of Evi. Dalinar had the idea of asking the Stormfather to marry them, as he was a higher power than the Voirin ardentia. Several hours later they convened the wedding on top of one of the towers of Urithiru with a small gathering of guests including Elhokar, Kadash, Sebarial, Aladar, Kalami, Teshav, and Dalinar's sons. TheAfter ardentiaElhokar wasgave furtherhis angeredblessing to the proceedings, howeverthe Stormfather arrived and revealed himself to all present as a face that stretched to both horizons regarding the attendees imperiously. The Stormfather received their vows and departed.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
After the ceremonycongratulations had wound down, [[Kadash]] arrived to confront Dalinar. forKadash thissaid that he would have to report what he had seen to his superiors who would not be pleased that Dalinar had tried to circumvent them. DuringDalinar thistried discussionto withpersuade Kadashhim, but was unsuccessful. During their discussion, Dalinar remembered more of his past, that what had happened at Rathalas had been horrific for Kadash, but few more details than that. Kadash did not succeed in getting Dalinar to recant his heresy and Dalinar did not succeed in convincing Kadash that his visions were legitimate.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
With things at Urithiru under some control, Dalinar and the current leadership turned their eyes to the rest of the world, wanting to find some way to reach out to them. While they studied the map, Shallan and Dalinar’s powers interacted, creating a three-dimensional image of the world out of Stormlight. TheThis scoutallowed [[Lyn]]Dalinar interruptedto thisget meetinga tobetter informgrasp themof allthe ofsituation aand second,create copycata murderplan.{{book ref|sa3|8}}He Theydecided wentthat tothey seewould thefocus body,on andprotecting foundthe itcities murderedwith inOathgates the same manneras that Sadeaswas hadtheir beenkey killed.advantage Dalinarover sentthe Adolin to Aladar’s team to continue investigating thereVoidbringers.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
==== Looking Outward ====
With things at Urithiru under some control, Dalinar and the current leadership turned their eyes to the rest of the world, wanting to find some way to reach out to them. While they studied the map, Shallan and Dalinar’s powers interacted, creating a three-dimensional image of the world out of Stormlight. The scout [[Lyn]] interrupted this meeting to inform them all of a second, copycat murder.{{book ref|sa3|8}} They went to see the body, and found it murdered in the same manner that Sadeas had been killed. Dalinar sent Adolin to Aladar’s team to continue investigating there.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
The scout [[Lyn]] interrupted this meeting to inform them all of a second, copycat murder.{{book ref|sa3|8}} They went to see the body, and found it murdered in the same manner that Sadeas had been killed. Dalinar sent Adolin to Aladar’s team to continue investigating there.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
Elhokar, frustrated at his lack of power, tried to abdicate the Alethi throne to Dalinar, who refused to let him do it. Instead, Dalinar gave up his claim to the Kholin lands entirely in exchange for leadership of Urithiru, outside of Alethkar’s authority. Elhokar’s anxiety is for the safety of the Alethkar capital, [[Kholinar]]. Dalinar didn’t want Elhokar going on his own, and Elhokar asked that [[Kaladin]] to go with him.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
Elhokar, frustrated at his lack of power, tried to abdicate the Alethi throne to Dalinar, who refused to let him do it. Instead, Dalinar gave up his claim to the Kholin lands entirely in exchange for leadership of Urithiru, outside of Alethkar’s authority. Elhokar’s anxiety iswas for the safety of the Alethkar capital, [[Kholinar]]. Dalinar didn’t want Elhokar going on his own, and Elhokar asked that [[Kaladin]] to go with him.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
==== Looking Outward ====
Dalinar’s attempts to reach out to other world leaders began badly. Though he could contact them through spanreed conversations, they were reticent to give him anything. Dalinar’s reputation as a warmongering general had harmed his attempts at peacemaking. The [[Gawx|Emperor]] of [[Azir]] refused to budge, telling the Alethi that their Oathgate didn’t function as a portal. The [[Fen|Queen]] of [[Thaylenah]] wrote over spanreed that the Voidbringers had sailed off and that there was no need for a coalition. However, one person answers Dalinar’s plea to join forces: King [[Taravangian]].{{book ref|sa3|12}}
The inspection of the honorbladeHonorblade Dalinar had in his possession led him to the discussion of Odium and his weaknesses, namely whether Odium could be bound by oaths. The Stormfather confirmed itthat he could be bound. The suggestion that a contest of champions between Odium and the Knights Radiant could hold Odium off were his champion to be defeated. Winning time would be a worthy goal for Dalinar’s side, whereas time was meaningless to Odium.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
Dalinar wanted to spar to work through these plans, but no ardent was willing to spar with him. Dalinar’s ardents were being pushed to a decision between loyalty to the Almighty, or to Dalinar the known heretic. Instead of one of his ardents, Dalinar ordered [[Aratin]], one of [[General Khal]]’s sons, to spar with him in a wrestling match, which he lost. As the match finished, Navani arrived with word that the [[Iri]]ali queen wanted to speak earlier than scheduled.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Finding that he thought better when in activity, Dalinar ordered Kadash to spar with him while he argued with both Kadash and the Iriali queen in two separate conversations. Dalinar refused to budge with Kadash, insisting that he wouldn’t change his mind and recant without evidence. The queen informed Dalinar that, instead of joining his coalition, Iri was going to ally with the Voidbringers. She said she might reconsider her choice if the Alethi would return Adolin’s Shardplate, which she claimed was rightfully Iri's. Navani observed that the Plate was rightfully Adolin’s by inheritance of his mother, Evi. This was the first time that Dalinar was able to hear Evi’s name since his trip to the Valley.{{book ref|sa3|16}} Over the next few days he regained many of his memories of their time together.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Soon afterwards Taravangian arrived at Urithiru with Adrotagia, [[Malata]] and a small group of scribes, guards, and advisors. He was the first monarch to answer Dalinar's call and travel to Urithiru via the Oathgates. He introduced Malata the [[Dustbringer]] to Dalinar as the newest Knight Radiant. After exchanging greetings Dalinar led Taravangian on a tour of the tower and explained to him what they knew of its workings. As they walked Dalinar offered Adrotagia and Taravangian the use of Alethi troops to aid in the defense of Kharbranth and its Oathgate but they declined his offer, claiming that they had enough Veden soldiers to defend themselves, and that they had successfully fended off the [[singer]] attack on their city. Dalinar then let [[Teshav]] lead Taravangian on the rest of his tour and went to speak with Navani while he waited for them to return.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Dalinar breathed in Stormlight to show her that he was a Radiant and repeated his claim that he was commanded to unite. She retorted that that was the same claim tyrants like [[Sadees]] and the Ardents of the [[Hierocracy]] used to justify their actions. Dalinar began growing frustrated and started raising his voice and shouting at her. He said that maybe allowing him and his armies into her cities was a risk, but she had no other choice, and if she did not act soon and make a united stand against the Voidbringers their world would be doomed. To Dalinar's surprise Fen was not fazed by his outburst. To the contrary she seemed to like being yelled at. She said that over the previous several months she had been hearing rumors that he had gone mad and then when she heard that he had predicted that a new [[Everstorm|storm]] would come she concluded that the rumors must have been true. Dalinar asked her what she thought when the storm came and she told him that it proved he was up to something, but she was not sure what it was. Dalinar asked her if she thought he was working with the enemy. She said that the voice on the other end of the spanreed was not the Blackthorn she knew and so had been sure, but after their conversation she would reconsider. She asked Dalinar to let her finish the vision and the two of them parted ways. Afterwards the Stormfather did not think that Fen had been convinced but Dalinar thought that she would end up visiting Urithiru.{{book ref|sa3|34}}
Next Dalinar asked the Stormfather bring him, Navani, and Jasnah into the [[Dalinar%27s_visions#Broken_People|Broken People]] vision so they could learn from the past. First Dalinar entered on his own, and then fought through a group of wild men, losing an arm in the process. After a [[Stoneward]] helped Dalinar and his companions reach safety he let his Stormlight heal his arm and asked the Stormfather to bring in the women. Navani was quickly distracted by a Regrowth fabrial, and after a brief discussion with Dalinar praising his bravery in sharing the visions instead of hiding them, Jasnah went off in another direction to investigate on her own. After she pestered the Radiant with the fabrial to let her look at it, Navani and Dalinar walked through the battlefield together. Dalinar asked the Stormfather to include Navani in his responses and they discussed the events of Aharietiam as they explored together. When they reached the place where the nine Honorblades had been stuck into the ground in a circle by the surviving Heralds they stopped walking and Dalinar demanded to know the full story. The Stormfather related the story of the [[Oathpact]] and the [[Last Desolation]] as he remembered it.
=== Oathbringer ===
