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(Reduce amount of speculation stated as fact, moved all speculation under one section.)
m (Just a few wording tweaks to make this sound 'in world')
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Voidbinding''' is a manifestation of [[Investiture]] on [[Roshar]] of which little is known. It is connected to Odium and his Unmade{{wob ref|11353}}, and predicting the future is said to be of it.{{book ref|twok|18}} The [[Ars ArcanumKhriss]]'s forwritings in the [[StormlightArs ArchiveArcanum]] states that there are ten levels of Voidbinding and that it is cousin to the [[Old Magic]].{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}}
== Prerequisites ==
Not much is known about how one becomes a Voidbinder under normal circumstances. It has been said that Voidbinding usually, though not always, originates with the [[Unmade]].{{wob ref|11353}}
A possible example of a method is by bonding with a [[Spren#Corrupted_Spren|corrupted]] [[Nahel bond|Nahel spren]]. [[Renarin Kholin]]'s ability to see the future has been connected to Voidbinding,{{17s ref|topic|62713|Argent's Secret Renarin WoB|date=2017-11-22}}{{wob ref|8461}} and it is likely he gained it through his bond to the corrupted spren [[Glys]].{{book ref|oathbringer|116}} How much Renarin's abilities relate to Voidbinding, is currently unclear.
, and it is likely he gained it through his bond to the corrupted spren [[Glys]].{{book ref|oathbringer|116}}
== Mythology ==
One of the most common powers associated with Voidbinding is prophecy and foresight.{{book ref|twok|18}}{{wob ref|8904}} According to the [[ardent]]s, even the [[Herald]]s denounced its use. Whether or not this is true or a myth is yet to be seen, although [[Jasnah]] believes this to be true. Regardless, in [[Vorin]] nations, ''any'' type of prediction wasis tabooconsidered becauseto ofbe thistaboo.{{book ref|twok|i|6}} The ardents even worried that [[Dalinar]]'s [[Dalinar's visions|visions]] were connected to Voidbinding, although since the visions come from [[Honor]], that was an unfounded concern.{{book ref|twok|75}}
The Vorin reluctance to guess the future led to the rise of games like breakneck, that don't require directly guessing the future.{{book ref|twok|i|6}} Many Vorins are distrustful of [[stormwarden]]s, since they predict when [[highstorm]]s are going to occur.{{book ref|twok|60}}
While not much is known for certain about Voidbinding, there are theories and speculation.
=== Voidish Surges ===
There are glyphs on the Voidbinding chart that share position with and are variations of the Surge glyphs on the [[Surgebinding]] chart. Instead of the axial symmetry of the Surge glyphs, the glyphs on the Voidbinding chart exhibit rotational symmetry. ThisIt hasmay led to speculationbe that these glyphs represent either alternatives to, or variant expressions of, the Surges in [[Surgebinding]].
A prominent example of such speculation is [[Renarin Kholin]]'s visions of the future. It is speculatedpossible that these visions are a "Voidish" expression of the Surge of [[Illumination]].
=== Fused ===
The abilities demonstrated by the [[Fused]] have so far been typical of [[Surgebinding]], but someit speculatemay be that theytheir powers may be related to, or be a manifestation of, Voidbinding, in line withor "Voidish Surges" theories. It is currently unknown what system the abilities they have demonstrated fall under, and they might even belong to a yet unnamed system. If the observed abilities are not Voidbinding, it is possible the [[Fused]] might still have access to the system.
If the observed abilities are not Voidbinding, it is possible the [[Fused]] might still have access to the system.
=== Regal ===
[[Regal#Nightform|Nightform]], one of the [[Regal]] forms of power, was said to allow for foreseeing the future. This suggests a possible relation to Voidbinding, and hasmay ledhave toimplications broaderabout speculation aboutthe other forms of power.
=== Other ===
Some speculate theThe [[Black sphere|sphere]] [[Szeth]] takes from [[Gavilar]] in the prologue ismay be related to Voidbinding.
== Known and Likely Voidbinders ==