Diferencia entre revisiones de «Desafiante (nave)»

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== History ==
The ''Defiant's'' fleet avoided the war with the Krell, being neither the people to begin the war or propagate it. As the war continued, the Defiant found it increasingly more difficult, as well as dangerous, to contact space stations and planets, and as such did not know who the Krell were at the time that they were attacked.{{book ref|sky1|45}} Although the people of the ''Defiant'' considered themselves seperate to the humans involved in the war, the opposing force still required for them to surrender.{{book ref|sky1|epilogue}} When they refused, the Krell were sent after the ''Defiant'' and its fleet to capture and contain the group.{{book ref|sky1|epilogue}}
The day the ''Defiant'' crashed, the engineers, along with the scientists, mutinied against the command and military staff aboard the ship, after the Krell had surrounded the fleet and begun to attack the vessels. At some point during the battle, an explosion occurred on the bridge. The captain called down to the engine room, giving [[Spensa's great-grandmother]] her commands, however, she disobeyed, instead bringing the fleet to Detritus, using abilities to perform faster than light travel. However, the jump she made proved to be beyond her capabilities and she died. The ships were damaged and crashed onto the surface of the planet, with the engines in the ''Defiant'' being broken. It is unclear whether the ships crashed due to damage they had sustained before, or during the jump, or whether they was fired upon by the active guns found in the planets shielding. {{book ref|sky1|45}}
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