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|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Zane Venture''' was a [[skaa]] [[Allomancer|Mistborn]] on the planet of [[Scadrial]], and first appeared in [[The Well of Ascension]]. He was the illegitimate son of [[Straff Venture]] and the half-brother to [[Elend Venture]]. Because he was of skaa decent, he was kept a secret from the rest of the world and, consequently, had a difficult childhood. Such a harsh upbringing resulted in Zane having an unstable personality, and engaging in dysregulated behavior, such as cutting himself.
== Appearance and CharacteristicsPersonality ==
Zane shares certain phenotypic characteristics with his family includingsuch as brown curly hair; although, which he tends to keep his shorter than his brother. He is ofhas a wiry build with a narrow face and is of medium height. He is often clad inwears all black; and, despite being a mistbornMistborn, does not wear the mista cloakmistcloak.{{book ref|mb2|17}} Zane had a difficult childhood, as Straff kept his existence secret due to his [[skaa]] lineage. Because of his harsh upbringing, Zane has an unstable personality, and engages in dysregulated behavior, such as cutting himself.
Zane wasis a powerful [[mistborn]]Mistborn, the strongest [[Vin]] hadhas met since [[Kelsier]]. This wasis, in part, thanks to a steel [[Hemalurgic]] spike in his heart, which grantedgrants him great precision inwhen using [[Allomantic]] [[steel]] .{{wob ref|5668}}. However, a consequence of thethis spike causedis himthat to to hear the destructive voice of [[Ruin]], whichcan hespeak believedwith to be his “insanity”Zane, whoand often toldtells Zanehim to kill everyone around him., leading Zane wasto ablebelieve tohe refrainis frominsane. such behaviorZane becauserefuses heto didn’t wantlet his insanity to control him and he resists following Ruins orders.{{book ref|mb2|18}}
<gallery caption="Images of Zane">
Zane portrait.png | Portrait by [[User: Luaru]]
Vin vs Zane.jpg | Fighting [[Vin]] by [[Coppermind: Artists/cccrystalclear|cccrystalclear]]
== History ==
ZaneFirst first appearsknown as The Watcher, toZane was later identified by [[Vin]], a dark figure that follows her around the city. Later Zane’s character is revealed aswhen he comescame to the city with a message from [[Straff. It becomes known that Zane is Straff’s mistborn in his army against Luthadel as well as Straff’s son]].
Straff, suspicious of his son, believed that Zane was constantly attempting to assassinate him. Whenever Straff thought he had been poisoned by his son, he sought help from his former mistress, [[Amaranta]], who provided him with an antidote.{{book ref|mb2|18}} Unfortunately for Straff, Zane and Amaranta were lovers and the woman was working with Zane to convince Straff he had been poisoned, while instead providing him with an addictive substance masked as an antidote.{{book ref|mb2|49}} Zane capitalized on the substances withdrawal effects to convince Straff he was repeatedly being poisoned. Eventually, Straff attempted to have Zane killed in his sleep, however, his plan failed, and Zane left Straff's camp to seek out Vin and take her away from Luthadel.
Although Straff is Zane’s father, Zane frequently “poisons” him, providing the assassination attempts Straff expects. After each “attempt”, Straff calls for his former mistress, [[Amaranta]], to provide the antidote to the poison. {{book ref|mb2|18}} Zane, however, was the lover of Amaranta and had convinced her to only make him think the constant poisonings were taking place.{{book ref|mb2|49}} She was actually giving him doses of an addictive substance that produced withdrawal effects that he assumed was poisoning.
ThroughoutZane, thewanting story,Vin Zaneto attemptshimself, attempted to convince Vinher that she doesdid not belong in Elend’s world, and instead should run away with him. As an attempt to further convincesway her, he sendssent several of Straff’s allomancersAllomancers in anto attack against Vin and Elend during an assembly meeting meant to determine the future kingshipleadership in Luthadel. Zane later approachesapproached Vin regarding the attack and tellstold her that [[Cett]] had sentbeen behind the assassinsassassination andattempt. thatZane sheoffered shouldto seekhelp revengeVin withget theget helprevenge ofand himself. Thethe two descenddescended upon Keepthe Hasting where a groupportion of Cett’sCett's army that was staying.housed Thein twoKeep combinedHasting, killkilling 300roughly ofa Cett’sthird 1000 men atof the manorenemy soldiers. FilledVin withhesitated presumedwhen adrenalinepresented andwith Ruin’sthe intrusive voice, Zane is preparedopportunity to kill Cett, afterprompting Vin’sZane hesitation,to buttry sheand iskill ablethe toman persuadeinstead. himVin topersuaded dohim otherwise, leaving Cett alive.
Zane visitsvisited Vin one last time andto triestry toand persuade Vin to leave with him, promising they cancould go wherever she wantswanted. Conflicted, Vin seems convinced and beginsbegan to leavefollow until,Zane atbefore thedeciding last minute, realizesthat leaving iswas the wrong movechoice. She attemptsattempted to voice her concernconcerns to Zane, buthowever, he becomesbecame filled with rage and attacksattacked her., Theyusing fight,atium withto Zanegive havinghimself thean advantage. ofSeveral atium.times Hethroughout repeatstheir severalfight, timesZane repeated that Vin was supposed to save him, presumably from his insanity and Ruin’s voice. In the end, Vin usesused Zane’sZane's reactionreactions to her atium shadow to gain enough time to stab him in the neck and kill him.{{book ref|mb2|47}} AsBefore he is dyingdied, Ruin revealsrevealed to Zane that he was never insane.
After Zane’s repeated “poisonings”, Straff decides it is time to kill Zane. Assassins attempt to kill Zane as he sleeps, but because of his keen instincts, he wakes and stops them. After this, Zane informs Straff that he is leaving and taking Vin with him.
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
