Diferencia entre revisiones de «Waxillium Ladrian»

369 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
As the building collapses, several surviving Vanishers, led by the now fully-healed, Miles Hundredlives, hold Marasi at gunpoint.
Refusing to freeze up and lose another woman’s life to the same kind of standoff, Wax calls for Wayne to create a speed bubble. Firing at the Vanisher through the speed bubble, Wax compensates for the unavoidable veering of the time-slowed bullet by firing a second time, in an incredibly aimed shot which strikes his first bullet and causes it to ricochet directly into the thug’s head.{{book ref|mb4|19}}
Miles and an already injured Wax square off, with Hundredlives beating Wax mercilessly. Waxillium holds on, taking the punishment of Miles’ blows as Marasi secretly holds them in a time bubble. Wax successfully distracts the outlaw, laying all of his hopes on the absent Wayne, who finally returns, having surrounded the three of them with Elendel’s constables.{{book ref|mb4|19}}
=== Notable Cases ===
