Diferencia entre revisiones de «Talento Smedry»

No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 6 años
*[[Folsom]] and [[Himalaya]]'s talents may be connected with the [[Warrier's Lenses]]
The [[Incarna]] created the [[Smedry]] line as a power source for their glass and culture. The Smedrys can charge any kind of glass with this power inside them. How Talents are similar to lenses is not a coincidence, and might be a way to funnel off a Smedry's energy. Once the Talents left, the Smedry Power had nowhere to go, eventually building up to the point where every piece of glass touched by a Smedry was over-energized. How the Incarna people gave out [[Smedry TalentsTalent]]s is still unknown.{{book ref|dark talent|18}}
== Notes ==
