Diferencia entre revisiones de «Palabras Inmortales»

===Underlying concept===
All Ideals seem to have in common that they reflect in some way on the respective person's character, self-awareness and motivations, their soul, so to speak, and reinforce that person's bond with their [[spren]] in accordance to that reflection. For instance, Windrunners are people who seek to protect others from harm and evil and advance their Ideals when they realize more and more, what that drive to protect entails and embrace those precepts. Therefore, [[Kaladin]] is unable to speak the Fourth Ideal, as he is not yet able to actually live up to the demands of that stage. Furthermore, the actual wording used when swearing an Ideal seems to matter significantly less than the mindset of the person and their accomplishments in their journey to self-awareness. Finally, it is impossible to swear an Ideal prematurely, as the [[Stormfather]] "refuses" to acknowledge [[Lopen]]'s oath when he swears it during training, but accepts his words when he repeats them after the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] when speaking to an injured soldier (what is more, Lopen's wording in that moment is openly mirthful, as he states "journey before pancakes", which the Stormfather nevertheless accepts), as Lopen appears to have actually reached the requisite personality this time around. All this points to the possibility that all Ideals are Truths spoken by a Knight Radiant about their inner self, speaking about their respective goals and ideals (protecting others, seeking order and justice, helping and caring for the weak, etc.). Thus, the Lightweavers would not be different from the other orders in that they require Truth /instead/ of an Ideal, but in that they are much more liberal and varied with respect to what Truths, and therefore, what character, are needed in order to advance.
== Notes ==
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