Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elhokar Kholin»

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→‎History: updated existing history with oathbringer information and added events from oathbringer chapter 4
m (migrate dates)
(→‎History: updated existing history with oathbringer information and added events from oathbringer chapter 4)
== History ==
Elhokar's father andAfter the former Kingassassination of [[AlethkarGavilar]], [[Gavilar]]Elhokar wasvows assassinatedto avenge his father by [[Szeth]],waging war promptingagainst the tenParshendi, [[Alethi]]who Highprincesclaimed toresponsibility declarefor warthe onking's death. He makes the [[Parshendi]]highprinces underswear to the [[Vengeance Pact]] to help him in his conquest, afterthereby theymanaging claimedto responsibilitykeep his kingdom together for the assassinationnow. Due to Elhokar's youth and paranoia his ability to rule was questioned by those under his rule and he maintained a weakened authority over the ten Highprinces. The King's paranoia stemmed from the assassination of his father and he feared that he would meet the same fate,{{book ref|sa1|12}} although he overcompensated on the battlefield and often acted recklessly to the dismay of his family and guards.{{book ref|sa1|12}} This paranoia was furthered by his ability to see strange creatures (possibly [[truthsprencryptic|cryptics]]) in mirrors.{{book ref|sa1|58}} Due to this ability it is theorized that Elhokar could become a [[SoulcasterLightweaver]] like [[Jasnah]] and [[Shallan Davar]], and be able to Soulcast without the use of a [[fabrial]].
Elhokar mainly serves as an unwitting obstacle to Dalinar as his uncle attempted to unite the Highprinces.
Elhokar's father and the former King of [[Alethkar]], [[Gavilar]] was assassinated by [[Szeth]], prompting the ten [[Alethi]] Highprinces to declare war on the [[Parshendi]] under the [[Vengeance Pact]], after they claimed responsibility for the assassination. Due to Elhokar's youth and paranoia his ability to rule was questioned by those under his rule and he maintained a weakened authority over the ten Highprinces. The King's paranoia stemmed from the assassination of his father and he feared that he would meet the same fate,{{book ref|sa1|12}} although he overcompensated on the battlefield and often acted recklessly to the dismay of his family and guards.{{book ref|sa1|12}} This paranoia was furthered by his ability to see strange creatures (possibly [[truthspren]]) in mirrors.{{book ref|sa1|58}} Due to this ability it is theorized that Elhokar could become a [[Soulcaster]] like [[Jasnah]] and [[Shallan Davar]], and be able to Soulcast without the use of a [[fabrial]].
Elhokar's deep fear of assassination caused him to fake an assassination attempt on his own life by cutting the girth strap on his saddle,{{book ref|sa1|13}}{{book ref|sa1|69}} in order to trigger an investigation on those who wish him dead. Although this rash action placed suspicion on his uncle Dalinar, this method did yield results as it was found that weakened gemstones were placed in his Shardplate by a yetan unknown individual.{{book ref|sa1|54}}
He was almost assassinated by [[Moash]] and [[Graves]] on multiple occasions. When [[Moash]] comes into the palace to kill Elhokar, he is saved by [[Kaladin]] who then speaks the third ideal of the [[Windrunners]].
After recovering from the attempt on his life. Elhokar moves to [[Urithiru]] and gives his blessing to Dalinar and Navani's marriage.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
