Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Los Caballeros de Cristalia»

==Chapter 11==
Grandpa and Alcatraz find three knights sitting in judgment as Bastille stands by a far wall at attention. They are: Bastille's mother, Draulin, an old knight who looks very intimidating, and a knight with a big chin named [[Archedis]]. Grandpa argues that her failure was not her fault. Alcatraz claims that he broke her sword and that Bastille was exemplary in protecting them. After he has his say, they vote, with the elderly knight deciding on a punishment in between the harsher sentence of Draulin and the lighter one of Archedis. She is to be cut off from the [[Mindstone]] for two days and stripped of knighthood for one week, after which her status would be reevaluated. Alcatraz gets angry and considers using his Talent, but Grandpa perceives this and convinces him to back off. They transport back to Keep Smedry where Folsom is waiting for them. She Who Cannot Be Named is there and wants to talk to Grandpa.
==Chapter 12==
Editors, Keepers
