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=== {{Chapter 16: Swordmaster===Summary
|title= Chapter 16: Swordmaster
[[File:|image= Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
|book= Words of Radiance
|follows=[[Words of Radiance/Summary/Chapter 15|Chapter 15: A Hand With The Tower]]
|precedes= [[Words of Radiance/Summary/Chapter 16|Chapter 16: A Pattern]]
|viewpoint= Kaladin
<div style="float: right; padding-left: 1em">__TOC__</div>
Nimbleform has a delicate touch.<br>
Gave the gods this form to many,<br>
Tho' once defied, by the goods they were crushed.<br>
This form craves precision and plenty.<br>|
—FromFrom the listener Song of Listing, 27th stanza}}
