Diferencia entre revisiones de «Perpendicularidad de Devoción»

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Those who give in to the peace float for several seconds and then dissolve suddenly, without leaving any trace that they had ever been there.{{book ref|Elantris|25}} Those who do not accept the relief will not dissolve.{{book ref|Elantris|61}}
The Selish don't fully understand the nature of the Pool or its power.{{qa ref|897|24|Let's just say that the characters in the book do not fully understand the pool or its power|date=2013-01-23}} It is somehow tied to the physical form of the Elantrians.{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=61-1|link=annotation-elantris-61-1}}
== History ==
== Trivia ==
*Brandon developed the Pool initially as a plot device to get Raoden into the mountains above Elantris so he could have his epiphany on the connection between Aon Rao and the shape of the city.{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=60-2|link=annotation-elantris-60-2}}
*When Brandon first wrote the Pool into the book, it simply represented giving in.{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=61-1}} He did not know how it fit into the magic of the [[cosmere]].
== Notes ==
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