Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tierra (Alcatraz)»

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(Added basic information about the Free Kingdoms)
The world of ''[[Alcatraz]]'' is split up into two major sectionsterritories: the Hushlands and the Free Kingdoms.
== The Hushlands ==
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The Hushlands or Libraria are basically all of the ''real'' world. They are under control of the [[Librarian]]s{{book ref|a1|part=foreword}}
== The Free Kingdoms ==
The Free Kingdoms consist of three continents; two smaller continents about the size of Australia, and a larger continent in the Pacific ocean between Japan and America.
Free Kingdoms include the Continent of Mokia and Nalhalla.
The Librarians control all knowledge in the Hushlands. Any time the [[Librarian]]s take over a new territory, they are added to the Hushlands. History books are changed so that they were always a part of Hushland history. The most recent Librarian acquisition is the continent of Australia.{{book ref|BOOK|CHAPTER}}
== Notes ==
