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'''Tonk Fah''' is a mercenary on [[Nalthis]].
Tonk Fah is a character from the novel [[Warbreaker]]. He is a sociopathic mercenary, working for [[Denth]] as a thug. He is described as "large of girth" and carries a cudgel strapped to his back. <ref>[[{{b|Warbreaker}}]] ch9</ref> Throughout the story, he makes several remarks revealing his brutal nature, but the more socially apt Denth runs interference for him, dismissing his comments as "mercenary humor". Tonk Fah keeps a succession of exotic pets, the first of which is a colorful bird, which he eventually tortures and kills when the urge overtakes him.
Tonk Fah is a character from the novel [[Warbreaker]]. He is a sociopathic mercenary, working for [[Denth]] as a thug. He is described as "large of girth" and carries a cudgel strapped to his back. <ref>[[{{b|Warbreaker}}]] ch9chapter 9</ref> Throughout the story, he makes several remarks revealing his brutal nature, but the more socially apt Denth runs interference for him, dismissing his comments as "mercenary humor". Tonk Fah keeps a succession of exotic pets, the first of which is a colorful bird, which he eventually tortures and kills when the urge overtakes him.
== Other ==
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