Diferencia entre revisiones de «Desolación»

12 bytes añadidos ,  hace 9 años
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Little is known about them except legends. Still those agree on some points.
Desolations came in cycles, they were regular in coming.{{book ref|woksa|part=prelude}}{{book ref|wok|42}}{{book ref|wok|60}} During Desolations, the inhabitants of Roshar were attacked by an enemy force, generally called [[Voidbringers]].{{book ref|wok|3}}{{book ref|wok|19}}{{book ref|wok|45}}{{book ref|wok|60}} The cycle of Desolations seemed somehow attached to the [[Oathpact]].{{book ref|woksa|part=prelude}}
The coming of a Desolation was announced by the appearance of the Ten [[Herald]]s.{{book ref|woksa|part=prelude}}{{book ref|wok|60}}{{book ref|wok|epilogue}} Also, the appearance of [[Midnight Essence]] was a sign for an upcoming Desolation.{{book ref|wok|19}}
One certain Desolation lasted eleven years.{{book ref|wok|60}}
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