Diferencia entre revisiones de «Adolin Kholin»

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Adolin is very tactically minded. [[Shallan]] notes that he is not as ‘brilliant’ as Kaladin{{ref|b|sa2|c|77}} but this does not mean he is unintelligent. He even admits to sometimes feigning at being dense.{{ref|b|sa2|c|49}} He applies his knowledge in a more direct manner to win duels and battles and isn’t quite as skilled in wit or rhetoric.{{ref|b|sa2|c|68}}
Adolin is compared to his father on various occasions, Dalinar continuously saying that Adolin is a better man than he is.{{ref|b|sa2|c|85}} Adolin believes differently.{{ref|b|sa2|c|89}}
{{quote|My father [...] thinks I’m a better man than he is. […] Unfortunately for you, he’s wrong.|Adolin to Sadeas{{ref|b|sa2|c|89}}}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==
