Diferencia entre revisiones de «Discusión:Aon»

659 bytes añadidos ,  hace 10 años
I've added the information on Aon Eto and Aon Ate. I'm wary about Aon Iam because it does have the same meaning as a published Aon.--[[User:WeiryWriter|WeiryWriter]] ([[User talk:WeiryWriter|talk]]) 23:13, 18 July 2013 (UTC)
== Split into aon pages ==
So, we already have pages for each of the metals, and we have loads of single-line character pages. I was thinking we should split these up onto `Aon X` pages, like the `Seon X` pages we've started making, and then make [[AonDor]] into a similar page as the [[Allomancy]] and [[Feruchemy]] pages which have a table of metals which link to the actual articles. This would make this article into a disambiguation page? Anyone with opinions? I know you seem to like long pages for text-search reasons, Eric, and I don't really know what to say about that. --[[User:Fbstj|Joe ST]] ([[User talk:Fbstj|talk]]) 05:28, 24 July 2013 (UTC)
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