Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tierras de la Corona Orientales»

Las '''Tierras de la Corona Orientales''' son un área de tierra en la parte sureste de [[Alezkar]] en [[Roshar]].{{map ref|Alezkar}}
== GeographyGeografía andy Ecologyecología ==
Los bordes de las Tierra de la Corona Orientales incluyen los principados de [[Bethab]], [[Sebarial]], [[Casa Kholin|Kholin]], y [[Thanadal]].<ref group=fn>El borde norte de las Tierras de la Corona Orientales no está claro en los mapas disponibles.</ref> Las Tierras de la Corona forman la costa oriental del [[Mar de Lanzas]]; el área también está bordeado por las [[Montañas Irreclamadas]] en el oeste y las [[Tierras Heladas]] en el sur.{{map ref|Alezkar}}
The borders of the Eastern Crownlands include the princedoms of [[Bethab]], [[Sebarial]], [[House Kholin|Kholin]], and [[Thanadal]].<ref group=fn>The northern border of the Eastern Crownlands isn't clear on available maps.</ref> The Crownlands form the eastern shore of the [[Sea of Spears]]; the area is also bordered by the [[Unclaimed Hills]] to the west and the [[Frostlands]] to the south.{{map ref|Alethkar}}
It is the part of Alethkar closest to the [[Shattered Plains]] and presumably gets hit quite hard by [[highstorm]]s. It contains most of the [[Deathbend River]], including several tributaries.{{map ref|Alethkar}} The Sea of Spears is technically a lake and is often referred to as such;{{book ref|sa3|66}} its waters also flow into the Deathbend.{{map ref|Alethkar}} The city of [[Rathalas]] sits in a canyon carved into rocky terrain at the north end of the lake, giving it the nickname "the Rift".{{book ref|sa3|11}} Other land around the lake consists of plains, and includes riverbeds that are dry unless there has been a recent storm. [[Rockbud]]s on the plains consume large amounts of water when it is available and grow to massive sizes, with trunks as tall as a man's waist and vines as thick as a wrist.{{book ref|sa3|71}}
Rathalas was once the largest city in the area, although it was reduced to ruins.{{book ref|sa3|94}} Somewhere to the southeast of Rathalas is the waystop [[Vedelliar]], although it is unknown whether this town lies within the Eastern Crownlands or the [[Unclaimed Hills]].{{book ref|sa3|71}} In the [[Shadesmar|Cognitive Realm]], the spren city of [[Celebrant]] can be found near Rathalas, on an island that corresponds to the Sea of Spears.{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}
