Diferencia entre revisiones de «Adolin Kholin»

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Adolin is incredibly loyal to his father, though he doesn't always see eye-to-eye with Dalinar and is unafraid to voice his opinions.{{book ref|sa1|24}} Despite his opposing views he remains steadfastly obedient, listening to his father and following the [[Alethi Codes of War]]{{book ref|sa1|22}} even if he does not necessarily believe in them or wish to obey them. He shows an unwillingness to become the highprince when Dalinar considers stepping aside in favor of him, still intensely loyal to his father.{{book ref|sa1|52}} His skepticism surrounding the Codes eventually changes and Adolin begins to understand their purpose.
Later, when Elhokar died, Dalinar wants Adolin to become the new king. Adolin refuses as he doesn't believe he is the right person to take the crown. His father could not understand this, and is furious when Adolin admits to killing Sadeas.{{book ref|sa3|122}} The publishing of the Blacktorn's memoir, including the admission of Dalinar's role in Evi's deaddeath, caused a further rift between Adolin and his father. Adolin still loves and respects his father but can not forgive him for killing his mother. The young highprince is slowly realizing he has a different moral code than his father.{{book ref|sa4|21}} Nevertheless, Adolin stays loyal and doesn't want to let his father down by failing the mission to the honorspren.{{book ref|sa4|34}}
==== Renarin ====
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