Diferencia entre revisiones de «Discusión:Maestría de la arena»

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Rather than continually editing the page itself I felt it appropriate to bring the discussion to the talks page and look for other opinions. The Ars Arcanum for Elantris does state "How, then, is a practitioner of AonDor Initiated? It does not appear tied to family descent, as one finds on Scadrial, nor is it a specific Shard's decision as on Nalthis. Even Taldain's and Vax's methods do not seem to apply here." My reading of this is that Taldain is distinct from Sel's, Scadrial's and Nalthis' method as Taldain is mentioned separately to the other methods. It seems clear to me personally that Khriss is bringing Taldain up as unique to the other systems rather than solely Sel's. What do others think? --[[User:Debarra|Debarra]] ([[User talk:Debarra|talk]]) 26th Dec 2020
: Hey, you're right this is a better method to talk through this. :) I would disagree with your interpretation - it's saying that A is different to B, C, and D; it isn't commenting on how B, C, and D relate to each other though, only how they relate to A. I don't think we can extrapolate on the relationships between the other three systems outside of how they relate to Sel without further information. [[User:LadyLameness|LadyLameness]] ([[User talk:LadyLameness|talk]]) 02:10, 27 December 2020 (UTC)
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