Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:King of Herdaz/Dalinar Kholin»

Dalinar stumbled from the Oathgate in a daze, ignoring everyone around him. As he walked he heard Evi's voice in his mind telling him to accept who he was and not try to escape it. He made his way to his room and picked up ''The Way of Kings'', but he could not read it and it could not help him. He dropped the book and, almost unconsciously, made his way to Adolin's room. He searched the room until he found the bottle of strong violet wine Adolin kept for special occasions. He realized that he was turning back to the way he was before he went to the Nightwatcher but he decided that it would be worth it if it meant he wouldn't start killing people again. He drank from the bottle and drifted away.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
After three days of drinking away his problems Dalinar experienced a strange dream. He woke up in a room that he recognized from one of his earlier visions but was not quite the same as he remembered it. He tried asking the Stormfather why he had brought him into the vision, as they had agreed that with Odium's intrusions the visions were too dangerous, but there was no response. He found [[Nohadon]] behind him sitting at a desk covered in piles of papers. Dalinar assumed that he was writing his magnum opus, [[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]], but Nohadon corrected him and told him that he was simply writing a shopping list of ingredients he needed to bake Shin bread. Nohadon perceived that had been having a hard time and brought Dalinar with him on his trip to the market to take his mind off of his troubles. After haggling with a grain merchant Nohadon told Dalinar that he had learned how to bake Shin bread from a woman who had hosted him near [[Shin Kak Nish]]. He told Dalinar that his life, like the woman's life, was unfair.{{book ref|sa3|103}}
|You've said the oaths, but do you understand the journey? Do you understand what it requires? You’ve forgotten one essential part, one thing that without which there can be no journey.
|Nohadon to Dalinar{{book ref|sa3|103}}
Dalinar told him about his struggles with trying to convince the monarchs to join with him and how he wanted to be able to force them
=== Oathbringer ===
