Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:King of Herdaz/Dalinar Kholin»

→‎Leading Roshar (1174 - ): finished chapter 59
(→‎Leading Roshar (1174 - ): finished chapter 59)
Fen excused herself saying that she had to meet with her council. While Dalinar waited he decided to provoke a fight to show that he did not intend to conquer the city. He started asking [[Kdralk]] questions about the city's defenses triggering the lad's ire. Dalinar asked him to fight him in a duel with longswords and alternating advantage with Kdralk going first. Dalinar dodged the boy's sword for the duration of the fight until he allowed him to strike him in the chest. Dalinar pulled out the sword and let his Stormlight heal him. The boy told Dalinar that it was his turn to take the sword but Dalinar declined to fight him saying that he had already been bloodied. He told Kdralk that if he had been trying to conquer his city he would not be walking around exchanging pleasantries, he would bring an army. To Dalinar's surprise he suddenly felt a rush of shame. He realized that this bullying method of getting his way was the way of the Blackthorn not the Bondsmith. He walked away to be alone with his thoughts leaving behind an awed crowd. As he was walking he heard a voice in his head, the same one he heard in his visions that always told him "''Unite Them''". He oonsoon realized that this was different, he was hearing hundreds of voices speaking to him together. He realized that he was hearing the spren of the shattered temple and its desire to be whole again. He started gathering the stones of the temple and using his surgebindingSurgebinding to fuse them back together.
|Shardbearers can't hold ground. [...] Fen, I have Radiants, yes—but they, no matter how powerful, won’t win this war. More importantly, I can’t see what I’m missing. That’s why I need you.
|Dalinar to Fen{{book ref|sa3|59}}
After Dalinar had finished fixing the front wall of the temple he asked a nearby scribe to write to Urithiru telling Renarin to come. By the time Fen had returned Kdralk and the other soldiers had started gathering the broken stones so Dalinar could fuse them back together and healed people were streaming out of the field hospital. Dalinar explained to her that they needed her help since if they were alone they could not win. He told Fen that he needed
her strengths to complement his own. Dalinar convinced her to join him and his coalition in Urithiru and she gave him advice on how he could convince the Azish to join his side.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
=== Oathbringer ===
