Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jasnah Kholin»

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Substance on Shallan/Jasnah relationship in Return to the Physical Realm section.
(Substance on Shallan/Jasnah relationship in Return to the Physical Realm section.)
After Dalinar released the vision proclaiming [[Honor]]'s death, he was labeled as a pariah and an outcast by ardents, colleagues, and former friends -- groups that were not necessarily mutually exclusive -- and eventually excommunicated from the Vorin church. Identifying a shared struggle between herself and her uncle, Jasnah offered sympathy and counsel on being an outcast in Alethi society.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
She attempted to rally the [[Vorin]] army, and took part in meetings with current Rosharan leaders. WhileHer shereturn reunitedand withparticipation, herhowever, formerinspired ward,conflict between her and [[Shallan]], Jasnahwho observednow theresented girl'sbeing slowtreated mentallike deterioration,a whichward. IvoryTheir hadfirst warnedclash heroccurred aboutshortly after Jasnah asked Shallan to take notes in a meeting.{{book ref|sa3|5339}} DuringJasnah thislater time,confronted sheShallan alsoabout tookher noticerebellious attitude and lack of Renarin'sresponsibility, strangechastising behaviorher andfor beganskipping investigatingmeetings hisor Nahelarriving Bondtardy. andShallan, theresentful properat sprenreturning forto thea more lowly position, decided to journey with [[OrderKaladin]], of[[Adolin TruthwatchersKholin|Adolin}}, and [[Elhokar Kholin|Elhokar]] to [[Kholinar]] just to get away from Jasnah and her orders.{{book ref|sa3|53}}{{expand44}}
During their overlapping time in Urithiru, Jasnah observed Shallan's slow mental deterioration, which Ivory had warned her about.{{book ref|sa3|53}}
During this time, she also took notice of Renarin's strange behavior and began investigating his Nahel Bond and the proper spren for the [[Order of Truthwatchers]].{{book ref|sa3|53}}{{expand}}
==== Battle of Thaylen Field and Aftermath (1174) ====
