Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuaria:Rasarr/Skyward Universe»

== Inhabitants ==
The cytoverse is inhabited by numerous sapient species of varied shapes, sizes and configurations. Most appear to be roughly humanoid, walking upright with an even number of limbs. Their sizedsizes vary, with the smallest being only a handspan tall, while the largest are bigger than humans.{{book ref|sky2|13}} Despite apparent physical similarities, the various speciesthey can differ vastly in their biology; for example, the [[dione]] can change their biological sex during their lifetime, while the [[varvax]] are actually small creatures possessing large exoskeletons.{{book ref|sky2|12}} Nonetheless, it seems that some species -- such as humans and the [[UrDail]] -- are capable of producing offspring together.{{book ref|sky2|36}}
Apart from the humanoid aliens, the Skyward universe is also home to vastly different ones. Those range from plausibly biological, such as a species resembling spike-covered balloons,{{book ref|sky2|13}} to [[figment]]s, which are invisible, sapient smells.{{book ref|sky2|20}}
=== Known species ===
=== Human influence ===
Human culture has had a vast impact on other sapient speciescreatures. This seems to have began even before the Human Wars, with [[kitsen]] using the Japanese term ''[[wikipedia:Daimyō|daimyo]]'' to refer to their leaders.{{book ref|sky2|26}} However, it was during the Wars that humanity truly put their mark on the universe. Human languages -- mainly English, Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin -- are to this day carried by all translator pins, and serve as a common tonguetongues for all species of the galaxy.{{book ref|sky2|10}} The [[UrDail]], which saw extensive contact with humans, have been impacted even further, with their native tongue coming to resemble English.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
Humanity has also left their mark on the universe in the form of [[delver]]s, whom they've brough forth during the Second Human War, leading to the drastic decrease in the use of [[cytonics]]. This, alongside the history of conflict, is one of the reasons why they're so feared in the present day. This extends even to those trapped in the "preserve" planets, with many people afraid that humans would one day break out and go to war again. Those fears are often stoked by Superiority's Department of Protective Services, especially whenever they desire a bigger budget.{{book ref|sky2|19}}
=== The Superiority ===
After the Third Human War, the Superiority became the primary political power of the universe. It's issome form of a federation or republic comprised of numerousvarious species, though only five -- varvax, tenasi, dione, heklo and cambric -- lead the government. Numerous others have either primary or secondary citizenship. Whether a species is allowed to join the Superiority depends on whether they exhibit the so-called primary intelligence. This appears to refer to how aggressive a species is, with only the most peaceful onceones allowed to join, so as to not corrupt the current society.{{book ref|sky2|10}} There are also other conditions, such as converting to a democratic government.{{book ref|sky2|13}}
While the Superiority does not directly rule over every species, it does exert indirect power over them. This is done though absolute control over faster-than-light travel and communications, as the government has effectively suppresssuppressed all information about it, making themselves indispensable to interstellar travel and trade. As a result, they possess a relatively weak military force, since all they need to doresolve any problem is to cut any world they wish off the FTL grid to make them a non-issue.{{book ref|sky2|10}}
== Development ==
Editors, Keepers
