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→‎Four-Point Circles: Capitalization
m (→‎Four-Point Circles: Capitalization)
; Ballintain Defense: A basic and easy to set up defense, that however lacks much internal support.{{book ref|Rithmatist|1}} This defense features two Lines of Forbiddance, each connecting two adjacent bind points. There are also two circular Lines of Warding at two of the bindpoints opposite of each other. Finally there is a defensive chalkling bound to one of the remaining bindpoints. A popular defense based on the four-point circle, it is ideal for more offensive Rithmatists.{{ref|name=ballintain}}
{{anchor|Sumsion Defense}}
; Sumsion Defense: A defense characterized by a long Line of Forbiddance that lies tangent to its front bindpoint. A circle with a Mark's crossCross is also bound to this bindpoint opposite of the main Line of Warding. Defensive chalklings can be bound to the two bindpoints on either side. The rear bindpoint has a line running across it, perpendicular to the curve, to help anchor it.{{ref|name=sumsion}}
=== Six-Point Circles ===
