Diferencia entre revisiones de «Juramentada (hoja esquirlada)»

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== History ==
Oathbringer was the Shardblade of the infamous [[Alethkar|Alethi]] warrior [[Sadees]] the Sunmaker. After his death, it was passed down through various owners until eventually ending in the hands of [[Tanalan]].{{book ref|sa3|11}} After Dalinar, aged 20twenty at the time, defeats Tanalan at the [[Rift]], he takes Oathbringer for himself and bonds it.{{book ref|sa1|13}}{{book ref|sa3|11}}
Dalinar wields Oathbringer for many decades and in a number of battles, including the unification of Alethkar, the second conflict at the Rift, and the [[War of Reckoning]].{{book ref|sa3|75}}{{book ref|sa1|13}} Following the [[Battle of the Tower]], he gives it to [[Torol Sadeas]], trading it for all of Sadeas' bridgemen as a way of thanking [[Kaladin]] and the rest of [[Bridge Four]] for saving the life of him and his men.{{book ref|sa1|69}}{{book ref|sa1|68}}
Sadeas holds Oathbringer for little over two months, until shortly after the [[Battle of Narak]]. When [[Adolin Kholin]] kills him for threatening his family one time too many, he drops it, and Adolin tosses it to a balcony below while trying to hide the murder.{{book ref|sa3|89}} It's later discovered by Bridge Four on a patrol and given to Dalinar, who keeps it for a short while without bonding it before giving it to [[Ialai]], Sadeas' widow. She bestows the blade on [[Amaram]], who bonds it.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
Oathbringer is carried by Amaram until the battle of [[Thaylen City]], where he is shot to death with a [[Grandbow]] by [[Lunamor]]. As the latter refuses to take up Amaram's Shards, the blade is once again reclaimed by Dalinar, who chooses it as the namesake for his book, but does not bond it again as per the [[Stormfather]]'s wishes.{{book ref|sa3|22}}
<!-- Throughout the novel, Oathbringer is referred to by name, however when Dalinar summons it to give to Sadeas, it is simply "The Blade" perhaps implying that his perspective has changed and he no longer cares for fighting. (rewrite to in-universe-ize it -- Joe) -->
Synod, Editors, Keepers
