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=== Chapter 22 ===
Rig and Spensa are back in the cave worming on M-Bot, arguing about why the DDF would cover up Spensa's father's betrayal. Spensa is also still mourning Bim and Morningtide. Rig believes that once they repair M-Bot, he will be FAST, even faster than the scouts. Rig also explains where he has been getting all of his spare parts and how impressed his superiors are at his detailed copying of M-Bot's rotating side, capable of further limiting the effects of high g-forces on the human body. Rig and Spensa continue arguing about a DDF-wide cover up, when M-Bot answers Spensa's question about why the DDF would lie with his own theory, the Greater Argument for Human-Originated Chaos(GAFHOC). Because humans have free will, they are impossible to completely predict, unlike machines, who are designed to execute commands given through lines of code. Rig informs Spensa that he still needs to look over M-Bot's intakes, thrusters, joints, atmospheric scoops, and GravCaps. He Also informs Spensa that she'll need to find a way to get a central booster from any starship with one anywhere from A-17 to A-32. These engines are only found on DDF starships, which would require Spensa to commit treason. Rig informs Spensa that M-Bot is equipped with a cleansing pod, a luxury only the rich in the lower cavers have. Spensa lowers herself in, and takes a good, long, relaxing soak.
=== Chapter 23 ===
Cobb declares that he is satisfied with Skyward Flight's skill with light-lances, and tells them to move on to training with IMPs. Spensa tries to talk to Hurl over a private channel, but Hurl gives her a cold shoulder. Cobb tells Spensa to give an explanation on shields, then adds that IMPs only work in a tight filthy-meter radius and disables the pilot's own shields as well, but that they are needed to negate the Krell's advantage of better shields. Spensa starts practicing IMPing simulated Krell ships with Nedd, her partner for the day. Nedd complains about the exercises being boring, but Spensa enjoys it and feels closer to her father when flying, even if it is only in a simulation. After completing a particularly difficult run, Spensa talks to Nedd for a bit, pointing out that Nedd isn't as dumb as he presents himself to be. Kimmalyn and Hurl mess up a run, with Kimmalyn losing control and crashing. Nedd teases her over it, and when Spensa tries to stop him, he tells her that she needs to be teased a bit to help her deal with the anxiety over being the worse pilot in the class. They move on to talking about Hurl. M-Bot juts in, and Spensa asks him how he got into their lines. He replies that he is an stealth ship that has advanced communications technology, and got in through her personal radio. Kimmalyn messes up another run, and Spensa thinks about how they're wasting her potential while practicing fundamentals. Cobb tells Spensa that it's her turn, and as she starts flying, she sees that she has a tail even though the exercise is supposed to be one-on-one. Spensa manages to IMP her target, but takes damage in the process. Jorgen chastises her, saying that she'd be dead if it were a real battle, and she retorts that she accomplished her objective. Cobb sides with Jorgen, before telling them to do some monotonous gamma-M formation exercises and leaving. Spensa is frustrated during the entire exercise, refusing to talk to even M-Bot. After finishing, Spensa stews by herself and ignores Jorgen's orders for lineup. He starts arguing with her over her constantly disobeying his orders. Incensed, Spensa attacks Jorgen, getting on top of him and preparing a punch. Nedd is impressed, and the other cadets are shocked. Spensa lets go, and Jorgen complains about her assaulting a superior officer. The two exchange a hard look before Spensa grabs her pack and leaves.
