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== Geography ==
[[FILE:Jah Keved on the World Map.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Jah Keved on the world map]]
Located in eastern Roshar, Jah Keved is the second largest state on the planet, claiming over five and a half million square kilometreskilometers of land.{{url ref|url=https://www.17thshard.com/forum/blogs/entry/634-roshar-physical-characteristics-and-areas/|text=Roshar Physical Characteristics And Areas|site=17th Shard}} It shares its eastern border with [[Alethkar]] and [[Herdaz]] on three unnamed rivers, while in the west, it is bordered by [[Tu Bayla]] and [[Triax]]. North to south, the country stretches across the entire continent, between the [[Reshi Sea | Reshi]] and [[Tarat Sea |Tarat]] Seas.
Though verdant, Jah Keved doesn't possess many major rivers. The country's most notable geographical feature areis the [[Horneater Peaks]] in the east, which form an important strategic barrier against the Alethi.{{map ref|Roshar}}
=== Notable Locations ===
==== Regions ====
*[[Horneater Peaks]] - massiveMassive mountains on the eastern side of the country, the Peaks are the home of the [[Unkalaki]] people. Despite their high altitude, the mountaintops are inhabitable thanks to a series of hot lakes known as the [[Horneater Oceans]].{{book ref|sa3|110}}
*[[Bavland]] - aA small mining region, known for being dusty. {{book ref|sa1|i|3}}
==== Cities ====
* [[Vedenar]] - theThe capital city of Jah Keved. Much of it was destroyed during the civil war of {{Rosharan date|1173}}.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} It's is the site of the country's [[Oathgate]].{{book ref|sa3|100}}
* [[Valath]] - theThe location of the Holy Enclave, the centrecenter of Vorin faith.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
* [[Silnasen]] - theThe main city of the Siln people.{{map ref|Roshar}}
* [[Northgrip]] - The largest city located on the northern coast.{{map ref|Roshar}}
==== Other ====
* [[Silent Mount|The Silent Mount]] - aA mountain where the the [[Vanrial]], an order of artists, live.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
* [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity]] - Roshar's only stable [[perpendicularity]], located somewhere in the Horneater Peaks.{{book ref|sa3|110}}
* [[Jokasha Monastery]] - Home of the Vorin Devotary of the Mind.{{book ref|sa3|i|2}}
== History ==
During the [[Silver Kingdoms]] era, the territory now occupied by Jah Keved belonged to the kingdom of [[Valhav]]. Since that time, the countries of [[Tu Bayla]] and [[Triax]] have splintered off, though Jah Keved still holds vast majority of Valhav lands, including what was presumably its capital, [[Vedenar]], along with its [[Oathgate]].{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}
Until the Alethi Unification, Jah Keved was the largest country on Roshar, and the main oasis of stability in the region. This changed, however, in the year {{Rosharan date|1173}}, when [[Szeth]] assassinated the Veden king, [[Hanavanar]], along with a number of highprinces.{{book ref|sa1|i|9}} This plunged the country into a chaotic civil war, with at least seven different factions hoping to claim Vedenar and crown their leader king. The situation was further worsened by the presence of the [[Unmade]] [[Nergaoul]], (known better as Thethe Thrill), leading Veden soldiers to fight with unprecedented degree of drive and brutality.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
The civil war lasted about a year, with the final confrontation being the Battlebattle ofat Vedenar. Highprince [[Valam]] emerged victorious, becoming the new king. However, he quickly passed the crown to king [[Taravangian]] before ordering his illegitimate son, [[Redin]], to kill him. Given Valam's poor health and his insinuations shortly before his death, it's possible he was being poisoned by the [[Diagram (group) | Diagram]] to achieve this, as it was them who instigated the civil war by sending Szeth.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Under Taravangian's leadership, Jah Keved was, alongside [[Kharbranth]], the first country to ally with [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa3|24}} Fearing that it would be overrun by [[Voidbringer]]s, the king requested - and was granted - aid from other members of the coalition.{{book ref|sa3|96}}. However, following the revelations of the [[Eila Stele]], the country broke off from the alliance as part of [[Diagram (group) | Diagram]]'s plan to undermine Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|113}}
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