Diferencia entre revisiones de «Guerra de la Pérdida»

sin resumen de edición
(I'll finish after dinner)
|era=[[Era of Solitude]]
|date=circa 673{{book ref|sa1|26}}
|participants=[[Sunmaker]], the [[Hierocracy]]
|effects=Destruction of the [[Hierocracy]] and the creation of the [[Devotaries]]
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
== Defeat of the Hierocracy ==
Before the Hierocracy could spread to western Roshar, the Hierocracy became embroiled in the War of Loss, a conflict spearheaded by the man later known as the [[Sunmaker]].{{book ref|sa1|18}} The Sunmaker united together the ten princedoms of Alethkar for the first time since the fall of [[Alethela]] into one nation.{{book ref|sa1|24}} It is unknown if any other factions joined them, but working together the Alethi forces fought the Hierocracy in truly epic battles, whose like has not been seen on Roshar since then.{{book ref|sa1|52}} His soldiers were driven by the [[Thrill]].{{book ref|sa3|16}} He also made use of an entire company of cavalry with legendary speed and maneuverability.{{book ref|sa3|75}} The Sunmaker managed to cast down the Hierocracy.{{book ref|sa1|18}} Its fall led to much chaos and destruction, many eastern cities were sacked and destroyed, with the notable exception of [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa2|1|12}}
The [[Sunmaker]] helped to cast them down and break the Hierocracy.{{book ref|twok|18}} He investigated the visions and found that they were nothing more than a fabrication designed to placate the people.
The Sunmaker himself interrogated the remaining priests and went through their correspondences.{{book ref|sa1|18}} He claimed that he had found no proof of any of the visions that they had claimed to be receiving from the Almighty, stating that it had been a massive fraud on the part of the Church. The central leadership of the Vorin Church was destroyed.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
== Later Conquests ==
Sadees was never satisfied by his conquests. After uniting Alethkar and [[Herdaz]], he turned his attention to the west.{{book ref|sa3|19}} He conquered his way to [[Azir]] in eastern Roshar, although it is not known what countries existed between them at that time. Because they did not respect eye color, he claimed they needed to be conquered and civilized.
== Aftermath and Legacy ==
Vorinism was then shattered in the [[Devotaries]], and ardents lost much of their power, only able to teach laws, not enforce them.{{book ref|twok|36}} They were no longer allowed to be involved in politics,{{book ref|twok|54}} unable to own property, and were actually considered the property of [[lighteyes]].{{book ref|twok|45}} These events are still a source of embarrassment to modern day ardents, who prefer not to speak of them.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
Sadees, after his win, claimed to have a mandate from the Almighty and crowned himself king of the united Alethkar,{{book ref|sa3|34}} He decided to continue conquering the world, starting with [[Herdaz]] and going at least to [[Azimir]], where he committed genocide killing ten percent of the Azish population.{{book ref|sa3|42}} The kingdom he'd united during the war collapsed after his death. He had never bothered to choose an heir, so his ten sons began fighting among themselves. They eventually split the into ten princedoms, each becoming a highprince.{{book ref|sa3|19}}
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
