Diferencia entre revisiones de «Fortaleza de la Fiebre de Piedra»

== History ==
Feverstone Keep was a fallback position near one of the front lines during the False Desolation. The [[singer]]s connected to [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] were for some unkknownunknown reason interested in the area.{{epigraph ref|sa3|84}} The Orders of [[Stonewards]] and [[Windrunners]] were on the front lines fighting.
The majority of them walked back to the keep. A scout sent out to meet them reported that they were friendly, but the men inside were confused as to why the Radiants were coming. While wearing their Shardplate, the Radiants charged forward in a line. When they stopped just within bowshot, more Windrunners dropped from the sky to join them. One man in a blue cape stepped forward, drove his Blade into the ground, removed his Plate, and turned to walk away. As he did so, the glow of the weapons began to fade. The other Knights followed his lead. There were soldiers waiting for the Radiants to return from the keep.
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