Diferencia entre revisiones de «Obras sin publicar»

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; [[Nightblood]]: Sequel to [[Warbreaker]].{{ref|name=sots}} Might be written after the [[Elantris trilogy|Elantris sequels]].{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[The Silence Divine]]: A novella set on a planet in the [[Greater Roshar]] system, where diseases grant magical abilities.{{ref|name=sots}} Will be renamed.{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Skyward]]: YA novel - no longer part of the Cosmere novelbut will be in the same universe as another one of Brandon's earlier stories. {{ref|name=sots}}
; [[Adamant]]: was ''The Lurker''{{ref|name=sots14}}. Planned as a sequence of six novellas, two of which will be written by other authors. Brandon wants to wait until all four of his novellas are written before finding co-authors. Only one episode has been written, but he has had a breakthrough in some visuals and worldbuilding. The second novella could be written at any time.{{ref|name=sots16}}
; [[Legion 3]]: A sequel to Legion 2, no plans or outlines have been made yet{{ref|name=sots14}} Will be the final Legion novella.{{ref|name=sots15}}
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